The Scarlet Sisters

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Haley walked the streets of Magnolia, a town in Fiore. It was a nice place to visit, but she came here for a specific reason.

The Belserion book listed one living member: a twelve-year-old girl called Erza Scarlet. With some help from the Fiore branch of Gringotts, Haley discovered that Erza had never visited the bank, but what they could tell her was that Erza was an orphan and recently joined the wizard guild Fairy Tail.

Even if she had left her family, Haley didn't want to be alone. She hoped that maybe she and Erza could be friends... if she could ever find the guild. After wandering around Magnolia for an hour, she was at a loss and decided to look for someone nice.

"Hey, kid, you lost?"

Looks like someone spared her the trouble. She looked up to see a man with spiky dark-blue hair looking at her.

"Uh, yeah. Could you tell me how to get to the Fairy Tail guild, please?"

"Sure I can, I'm a member of the guild myself!" He rolled up his right sleeve, showing off a symbol on his arm. "The name's Macao. Who're you, squirt?"

"I'm Haley." She smiled. What good luck!

"Nice to meet you, Haley, I'll walk you there." She thanked him and they started going. "Why are you heading there anyway? Are you already a wizard?"

"I can do some magic." Under-selling herself a bit, but during her three weeks in Fiore she discovered that magic wasn't a secret here and the wizards were more specialized. "I'm just looking for someone and I heard they were a member."

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"Erza Scarlet."

Macao stopped in shock.


"Yeah. Do you know her?"

"Everyone in Fairy Tail knows each other. I just didn't think she had any little friends around."

Haley merely shrugged, deciding not to mention she'd never met her. She followed Macao to a big wooden building with a sign above the door reading FAIRY TAIL next to a funny birdlike symbol.

"Welcome back, Macao," an old man with a mustache sitting on the bar said. He wore a blue coat over yellow robes and a funny hat. He also had a wooden staff. "Oh, who's your little friend?"

"Haley, this is the Fairy Tail Guild Master, Makarov," Macao said. "He's obnoxious, but he doesn't bite. Master, this is Haley. I found her wandering around town looking for the guild."

"Welcome to Fairy Tail, Haley," Master Makarov greeted her kindly. "Do you want to join us?"

"Um, I actually came here looking for Erza Scarlet?" Haley hated how nervous she sounded, but this was completely new for her! Give her a break.

"Erza?" He sounded surprised. "She came to us a few weeks ago. Not much of a talker, that girl..." He thought for a second. "Well, she's usually at the corner table over there, but don't be surprised if she tells you to leave."

"Thank you."

She walked in the direction Master Makarov indicated, ignoring the boy in underwear brushing past her muttering about "bossy redheads." A lone girl sat at a table, evidently eating lunch. She had short red hair, an eyepatch over her right eye, and wore armor. She deliberately ignored everything around her.

"Excuse me, Erza?" Haley said softly, walking up to her. The adults nearby went quiet, which didn't help her nerves at all. Erza glanced at her out of the corner of her eye.

"Who are you?" she asked irritably.

"I'm your cousin, Haley. It's nice to meet you."

She had Erza's full attention now.

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