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A Portkey took Rigel, Luna, and Mars to the Jade Flora Hotel & Spa, one of the fanciest hotels in Crocus and two blocks away from the famous Crocus Gardens surrounding Mercurius Palace. Mars flopped on the bed in his room.

"This is nice," he sighed.

"See what happens when you don't stay in motels for a year?" Rigel said.

"Hey, normal people can't afford a five-star hotel every time they travel!" Mars retorted, sitting up. "I just wanted the experience!"

"Whatever. You sure it wasn't because Dad threatened to give you a budget?"

"Shut up, Snoop."

"Were we planning to go find your cousin?" Luna asked serenely. "She knows we were getting here around this time."

The brothers stopped arguing and agreed. They actually didn't need to find her; she was walking up to the hotel just as they left.

"Snoopy, Red Rover," Haley waved at them.

"Scales!" Mars hugged her. "It's good to see you!"

"Good to see you too," Haley smiled. "Uncle Padfoot couldn't come?"

"No, but he wished you luck," Rigel replied. "Did he tell you what was going on?"

Haley grimaced and nodded.

"Thank Mavis my ex-fiance has some common sense," she said. "And is this beauty the moon girl I've heard so much about?"

"Yes," Rigel blushed but quickly regained his composure. "Haley, this is my girlfriend, Luna Lovegood. Luna, this is my cousin, Drakaina Haley Scarlet."

"Seriously?" Haley threw her hands up and they laughed at her.

"Pleasure to meet you, Haley Scarlet," Luna said. "You seem to have the ferocity of a Heliopath. All of your opponents will burn before you."

"Thank you, Luna, but that sounds more up Natsu's alley."

The group started walking the streets, no specific destination in mind, with Haley pointing landmarks out.

"Where are you staying?" Mars asked.

"Thornyvine Inn," Haley replied. "It was assigned to us by the Games committee when our team registered. I think the Master's plan is to hang out at Bar Sun at the end of every day if you guys want to join us."

"Only if Mars remembers he's underage," Rigel gave his brother A Look™.

"That was one time!" Mars retorted hotly. "And for your information, I can drink here! Scales, what's the drinking age in Fiore?"

"Fifteen," she smirked.


"Don't encourage him," Rigel groaned.

"There's Wrackspurts buzzing over there." Luna pointed at a crowd gathered in the middle of the marketplace. They walked over close enough to listen.

"Oh, great," Haley groaned when she spotted the source of the fuss. Natsu had just met the Twin Dragons.

"Isn't that your Dragonfire guy?" Rigel asked.


"So your dragons vanished in the year X777 too?" Natsu asked. Haley closed her eyes and put a hand to her forehead, knowing what was coming.

"You could say that," Sting smirked.

"Let's spell it out for him." Rogue's eyes darkened. "We killed our dragons with our own hands. We did it to become True Dragon Slayers."

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