Lack of Secrecy

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Two words: Finals. Suck.

Sirius flipped through Sorcerer Weekly, tuning out yet another pointless discussion of how to find Haley. He did leer at the scantily-clad blonde bombshell on the front, but he was more interested in the team pages.

Way to go, Scales, he thought, looking at the lineup for Fairy Tail Team B. You guys got two teams in and you might get that showdown with Erza after all.

"Sirius?" Ron asked. "What are you looking at?"

"Just a souvenir Snoopy sent me," he replied vaguely, flipping to the Mermaid Heel pages. Now those were some babes!

"Let me see!" Lila snatched the magazine out of his hands. She took one look at it and made a face. "Ugh, it's just tabloid trash. Are you seriously just looking at the centerfold?"

"I'm always Sirius," he quipped. She groaned. Ernie took the magazine from her.

"Sorry, Sirius," he apologized, starting to hand the magazine back. He paused as a picture caught his eye. "Who's that?"

He opened the magazine to the Fairy Tail Team B section. Specifically, the page highlighting Haley and her achievements.

"Nothing important," Sirius chuckled, but his heart was racing. "But they got some lookers so give it-"

"This girl kinda looks like Lily," Ernie said. "Except for the black hair."

"Carrots couldn't pull off black hair. Now-"

"What's that, Ern?" Great, now James was involved. Ernie handed him the magazine.

"Rigel sent Sirius a magazine. Doesn't this girl look a little like Lily, James?"

James opened it wider. Lily came over to look as well.

"Haley Scarlet..." he muttered. "Could it be?"

Lily pointed her wand at the picture.


The image expanded until they could see every detail clearly. On the girl's forehead was a tiny lightning bolt scar.

. . .

"You did well yesterday."

"Aww, you flatter me."

It was early morning, and Haley and Rogue were having breakfast in a hole-in-the-cafe far from Domus Flau. No guild wizards would spot them here and the owners were discreet. Frosch and Hase split a stack of pancakes, talking excitedly.

"Gotta say though, Orga went a bit overkill with that lightning cannon," Haley said. "I know you guys have to establish your dominance and all, but Warcry will probably be in the hospital for the next month."

"I didn't watch the match," Rogue admitted. "I left the stands as it started because I was getting fed up with people. Sting wouldn't shut up."

"That's fair," Haley nodded, taking a bite of bacon. She grinned. "By the way, you might wanna tell Sting that Natsu's dead set on competing in the event today."

"I'll pass on the message," Rogue replied. "If they do both enter, today's event should be quite entertaining."

And it was... though not in the way Rogue probably anticipated.

"This is freakin' awesome," Haley laughed. The event was called Chariot and was a race through Crocus to reach Domus Flau.

Naturally, from the name, it featured every Dragon Slayer's worst nightmare.

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