Dark Revelations

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Today in I Wrote This Instead of Studying...

Grand Magic Games Day 4 Match 1: Blue Pegasus' Ichiya and Rabbit vs. Quattro Puppy's Bacchus and Rocker

"✨Now... the time has finally come for your revelation!✨"

Everyone was stunned and excited at Ichiya's announcement. No one knew who the person in the blue rabbit suit was - not even the other members of the Blue Pegasus Team.

"This will be good." Rigel leaned forward in his seat, intrigued himself. Rabbit popped the head of their costume off, slowly removing it.

"✨Yes, now you will see,✨" Ichiya mused. "✨The handsome face of...✨"

Another Ichiya, this one with cat ears and whiskers. Everyone gaped in stunned disgust.

"Nichiya?!" Pantherlily exclaimed.

"Whoa!" Happy shouted.

"It's an Exceed," Luna observed curiously. "Such fascinating creatures."

"Something for the Quibbler?" Rigel asked. He recalled Haley briefly mentioning Nichiya in her stories about Edolas. He had been the Captain of the Royal Guard for the Exceed country, Extalia, though his competence was debatable.

"I believe so," Luna nodded. "Daddy would adore them."

"✨DOUBLE STUD MUFFIN ATTACK!✨" Ichiya and Nichiya struck charming poses - that would have been effective if they were anyone else. Instead, there were a lot of horrified grimaces and disgusted sighs.

In the Fairy Tail stands, Hase was hit with a wave of nostalgia. She was born in Earthland, but she had met the elder Exceed when he and her father tracked her down while looking for the evacuated children. Her father had been a journalist for The Extalia Mews paper. Love of reading and research must have been hereditary.

She suddenly remembered that Haley had never met her father, since her partner was usually on a job when Hase went to see him. She definitely had to fix that once the Games were over-

Wait a second, where was Haley? She hadn't seen her since she returned Lucy's keys in the infirmary.

. . .

Haley and Rogue stared at each other in the deserted corridor. Besides acknowledging the other's presence, neither had spoken yet. Haley glared daggers at her boyfriend. Rogue's heart caught in his throat in dread.

They heard the announcers talking about how Nichiya had been knocked out of the fight before Rogue broke the silence.

"You're angry with me." Haley made a derisive scoff. "I'm sorry about what Minerva did to Lucy, but I don't know what you expected me to do about it."

"Maybe react like a normal person instead of standing there like you didn't give a damn."

"What was I supposed to do?" Rogue asked, frustrated. "She isn't in my guild."

"You could show more human decency than your so-called Lady!" Haley spat. "Especially since Lucy's my freaking best friend and you damn well know that! Being in a different guild didn't stop anyone else from looking horrified or coming to help!"


"No! How would you feel if someone like- I don't know, Laxus - beat up Frosch in front of you and you looked up and I was just sitting there, painting my nails?" Rogue paled, but she didn't let up. "You'd be pretty damn pissed at me, right?!"

"Yes, I would!" he yelled back. "But there's nothing I could do! If I looked concerned about what Minerva did, that would be weakness! If the Master saw that, he'd-"

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