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When Dawn Breaks, We'll Return to the Cliff of Ten Thousand Bones.

Fu Changling cradled the puppet child in his arms as he led Qin Yan, hastily making their way out. The other people from the Hongmeng Heavenly Palace hurriedly caught up. Catching sight of Lin Chen fleeing in a different direction, Fu Changling observed another group in pursuit. With a swift gesture, he wielded his golden fan, unleashing a surge of spiritual energy to impede the pursuers' path before leaving with Qin Yan.

Even if they were to incite chaos within the Hongmeng Heavenly Palace now, it wouldn't be an insurmountable feat. Nonetheless, Fu Changling's primary concern lay in uncovering the events that transpired afterward. Back then, both Lin Chen and Fu Yushu lacked the authority to overthrow the Hongmeng Heavenly Palace, so Fu Changling merely sought to flee without completely destroying the palace. Secondly, Lin Chen harbored reservations due to the numerous old acquaintances present within the palace; she harbored no desire to become enemies with them.

Fu Changling and Qin Yan, opting to buy time for the rest, refrained from immediate escape. Instead, they adopted a strategy of running back-to-back, pretending to be stopped by the cultivators from the Hongmeng Heavenly Palace. This ruse drew an increasing number of pursuers towards them.

"Did you succeed?" Fu Changling asked, turning his head to glance at Qin Yan, referring to their assassination attempt on Gu Hongzi. Qin Yan nodded but expressed concern, "Your mother is injured."

After all, given Gu Hongzi's formidable status as a cultivator in the Tribulation Transcendence stage, even with Qin Yan's assistance, it would have been impossible for Lin Chen to swiftly eliminate Gu Hongzi without sustaining injuries.

Fu Changling nodded in acknowledgment before asking, "Are you alright?"

"It's fine," Qin Yan replied calmly.

While Fu Changling and Qin Yan were stalling for time, Fu Yushu, carrying the child, swiftly descended the mountain through a narrow path, rushing towards the teleportation array.

As he had expected, Fu Changling and Lin Chen provided cover for him from two different directions. Ironically, despite having the lowest cultivation level, he felt the safest.

He reached the teleportation array and promptly leaped in. Yet, upon doing so, he sensed an impending danger. As he landed, he instinctively rolled on the ground and quickly activated a defensive formation, his only thought being to flee without hesitation.

However swift his movements, the other person proved faster. The instant he leaped out, a formidable pressure descended from above, forcefully pinning him to the ground. Instinctively, he released his hold and maneuvered the child to safety, preventing the child from being crushed.

After being subdued by the invisible pressure, Fu Yushu tried to calm himself down. He scanned his surroundings, all the while frantically trying to contact Fu Changling and Lin Chen.

However, as soon as he made such a move, his divine sense was instantly in excruciating pain. From behind him, a familiar voice echoed, uttering, "There's a barrier here; no need to waste your efforts."

Upon hearing the voice, Fu Yushu froze in place. His gaze fell upon a group of people clad in black robes, each wielding golden fans, as they steadily closed in around him. A middle-aged man emerged from behind him, bending down and picking up the child from the ground.

"Is this the child?" asked the middle-aged man, as the child he held in his arms began to cry loudly. From the side, Fu Minglan's voice chimed in, "DàGē, it's him."

"Father," Fu Yushu panicked completely, his words tumbling out in haste. "Father, we can discuss anything-he's still small. There must be a solution for everything..."

"Yunze's spiritual power has been depleted for many years," Fu Mingsheng's voice was flat, "What can you possibly do about it?"

"But that's still the bloodline of the Fu family..." Fu Yushu's voice choked up a bit. Fu Mingsheng raised his hand and touched Fu Changling's face, whispering, "Does he have a name?"

"You choose," Fu Yushu replied to Fu Mingsheng's question, forcing a smile. "This is your grandson. You can choose a name for him."

"Never mind," Fu Mingsheng sighed. "He doesn't need a name. Madame."

Fu Mingsheng turned his head. "Is the formation ready?"

"It's ready," a woman stepped forward from behind him, taking the child and speaking softly, "Such a cute child."

"Mother..." Fu Yushu trembled, his voice quivering, "Don't do this, mother..."

"Yushu," the woman sighed with helplessness, "It's alright. He can at least live until the age of thirty. Don't be so fearful."

"But I don't just want him to live until thirty!" Fu Yushu shouted, tears welling in his eyes. "I want him to lead a fulfilling life for his entire lifetime!"

All those present fell into silence. After a moment, Fu Mingsheng sighed and uttered, "Bring him over."

The woman responded, but in that instant, Fu Yushu abruptly rose and dashed toward the child. Fu Mingsheng's hand struck Fu Yushu's face, sending him flying away.

"I heard that you lost your Mystical Spiritual Root," Fu Mingsheng said calmly. "But from what I see now, you still possess some ability. If you can save this child today, then do so."

"What if I fail to save him?" Fu Yushu clenched his fist, while Fu Mingsheng lowered his gaze. "Since he bears the bloodline of the Fu family, let this child serve the Fu Clan with his life."

Just after the words were spoken, Fu Yushu held his golden fan to his lips, chanting an incantation as he rushed toward the child placed within the formation.

The night deepened as dark clouds amassed in the sky.

Before long, heavy rain began to pour.

The rain pelted down relentlessly, and in Taiping Town, a woman clad in white was covered in blood. Holding a longsword, she scaled the wall, reaching the door of the Guan family's house.

With great effort, she lifted her hand and pounded on the somewhat dilapidated courtyard door of the Guan family.

In the dead of night, Guan Xiaoniang hurriedly rose from her bed at the sound of rain patter. Upon opening the door, she beheld a woman with a sword, collapsing to the ground with a heavy thud.

Startled, Guan Xiaoniang let out a cry. Blood mixed with rain, dripping from the woman's form. With great effort, the woman struggled to open her eyes and looked at Guan Xiaoniang.

"Xiaoniang," Lin Chen's voice came out hoarsely. "Help me inside. There's a barrier to protect you. Don't be afraid. When dawn breaks, we'll return to the Cliff of Ten Thousand Bones."

Faceted Jade a.k.a Carven Jade [ENG Translation]Where stories live. Discover now