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Whether you succeed or fail, never, ever beat up girls again.

This stunned Qin Yan. Jiang Yebai's question caught him off guard.

In actuality, he had been estranged from Jiang Yebai for quite some time.

He remembered that he was only four when he first met Jiang Yebai. Famine seemed to have swept throughout the mortal realm that year. In desperation, his mother boarded a boat with a group of people on their quest for the legendary Island of the Immortals and sailed across the ocean. When the boat capsized later, his mother pushed him onto the boat deck in her final moments, just before she was buried in the depths of the ocean.

Following that, he drifted for a long time on the sea. He believed he was going to die, but when he opened his eyes again, he saw a young man clad in blue crouching in front of him, staring at him conscientiously.

He sprang at him like a lunatic, grasping the other person's sleeve for dear life. "Save me."

In a dry, hoarse voice, Qin Yan implored, "Please save me. My life is yours."

"If I save you," the young man smiled with curved eyes, "your life is mine?"

"It's yours," Qin Yan said eagerly, "all yours."

"What can you do, then? Do you know how to prepare food? Can you... um, get this thing-" the young man said, tugging at his already filthy robe, "get this thing clean? Can you..."

Before he could finish, Qin Yan fainted.

By the time Qin Yan woke up, the other person was offering him a steamed bun. "You're awake?"

The other person nervously stated, "You haven't answered me yet. Do you know how to prepare food..."

"I do." Qin Yan swallowed the steamed bun in his mouth and nodded desperately. "I'm capable of anything."

Thus, he came to be in his care.

Since then, he and Jiang Yebai have been depending on one another for survival. Jiang Yebai knew nothing but swords, and Qin Yan was just a child. They were both ignorant of the ways of the world at the time, so Jiang Yebai did such a ridiculous thing as engage in sword fights with a hundred sects.

He was a wandering young man with no sect or clan affiliations and no origins who fought for three months all over Yunze while toting a child on his back. He was finally approached by the Sword Sect to represent them in the battle when the replacement of the Hongmeng Heavenly Palace's leader took place, and he then became the palace's leader.

When he initially assumed the position, he was quite pleased.

He used to carry Qin Yan around the Hongmeng Heavenly Palace, and later there were always elders admonishing him for doing so, saying this was inappropriate, improper, and not in keeping with his position.

Jiang Yebai gradually spoke less and became colder, while Qin Yan grew up day by day, and somehow, it all came to be what it is now.

They seldom spoke to each other, and Jiang Yebai rarely asked about Qin Yan's affairs. At most, he'd give him a sword tactic before he headed out, and upon his return, he'd inquire about his well-being. Now that he had suddenly asked about the One Heart spell, this struck Qin Yan as a bit odd.

Even so, he gave a serious response, saying, "It was a fellow cultivator who was afraid I would kill him."

"Of the Taoist Sect?"

"No." Qin Yan shook his head. "A Fu clansman."

"Oh," Jiang Yebai replied, "a Fu clansman. So, that counts as your new friend, right?"

Faceted Jade a.k.a Carven Jade [ENG Translation]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora