Episode 6

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It was a beautiful day at McDuck mansion. Miss Beackley Is In the kitchen making some tea and biscuits for her breakfast and everyone else already ate. Donald Is In his house boat and working on it. Della is working on the sun chaser plane with Launchpad. Huey and Violet are In the library. Louie and Lena are at her house and watching movies together. Dewey and Webby are at the park and was laying down on the grass and they were talking but, Then Dewey got a call from Drake.
Dewey: Hello.
Drake: Dewey, It me Drake.
Dewey: Drake? So, this unexpected.
Drake: I know it is but, I wouldn't have called you If it wasn't important.
Dewey: Oh... what going on?
Drake: I can't tell you on the phone.
Dewey: Oh it very important that I have to meet you In person?
Drake: Yes. Meet me at my house.
Dewey: Okay.
Drake: Oh... also, bring Huey too. I am expecting that we probably need his help for what we are going to do.
Dewey: Oh... umm okay.
Then Dewey end the phone call.
Webby: That was Drake right?
Dewey: Yes. He needs me and Huey go to his house.
Webby: Oh did he say why?
Dewey: No. He said that It very important that I talk to him In person.
Webby: Oh... that's either good or really bad.
Dewey: Ya.
Webby: Do you want me to go with you?
Dewey: No Webby. I want you to go back to the mansion and don't tell Uncle Scrooge or my mom about this.
Webby: Don't worry Dewey. I won't tell them where you are going.
Dewey: Okay. I will be back soon Webby.
Webby: Okay Dewey.
Then they hugged before Dewey left Webby and then she is walking back home by herself.
Meanwhile at the library Huey and Violet are doing their own research about fire at McDuck studio the first time it happened.
Huey: Okay I found it. The peoples at McDuck studio was stocked when a fire broke out. It was found that the lights stand caught on fire and it fall and it also caught the stages get on fire too. No one was injured but, Tv star Jim Starling went missing after the fire was taken care of and no one have seen him since. There been rumors that he was killed during the fire but, his body was never been found.
Violet: Maybe he is still alive somewhere?
Huey: Ya maybe.
Then Huey ask Violet some questions about Jim and someone else too.
Huey: Violet, do you believe that Jim was going to kill Drake because, he took his role in that movie that wasn't done?
Violet: Well, If Drake telling the truth then I believe In him.
Huey: Okay. Also, do you know why Lena been acting strange around Louie?
Violet: Hmm.... Now you mention they have been acting weird around each other.
Huey: Do you think, that they are hiding something from us?
Violet: I don't know Huey. But, I think they might be secretly... you know.
Huey: Wait... you are staying that Louie and Lena are secretly dating?
Violet: Well, it a possibility that they are dating but, they probably not dating just getting a lot closer with each other.
Huey: Maybe I should talk to Louie about it after we get done from the library.
Then Huey was getting a call from Dewey.
Huey: Hey Dewey, how are you doing?
Dewey: Huey, Drake need talk to both of us at his house right now.
Huey: Wait why?
Dewey: He said It very Important that we need to talk to him In person.
Huey: Oh then It must be really important then. Can I bring Violet to meet Drake?
Dewey: No. Drake said he only need you and me no one else.
Huey: Oh okay. I will meet you at Drake house then.
Then Huey end the call.
Huey: Sorry Violet but, I have to go.
Violet: Wait where are you going?
Huey: Dewey said that Drake need to see me and Dewey at his house.
Violet: Why?
Huey: Dewey said that is very important we talk to Drake In person.
Violet: Okay. I will just go home then.
Huey: Okay. We can hang out some other time.
Violet: Okay Huey.
Then Huey left.
Violet: Well, I am all by myself again.
Meanwhile at Drake house, Fenton and Launchpad was already there. Launchpad got a call from Drake couple of minutes before Dewey did and so he left Della by herself to work on sun chaser. Fenton was at the laboratory with Gyro and Boyd but, he got a call from Drake after Launchpad did and he left and didn't told them he was leaving.
Fenton: Are you sure It was them Drake?
Drake: Oh yes. I been watching them for the last 4 hours on my recording camera.
Fenton: Wait... that's city camera. How did you manage hacked city camera?
Drake: Umm... I didn't do it.
Gosalyn: It was me. I found an error on the city internet. You can hacked into anything with a easy password and a fast computer.
Drake: Thank to Gosalyn we now the vision of city camera and we can where the villains are going.
Fenton: Actually, Mark Beak is just a crazy person who is obsessed with my Gizmoduck suit.
Huey: Falcon Graves is just a agent who works with a another boss.
Drake: Huey! Dewey! You guys finally make it.
Dewey: Ya sorry we was late Drake.
Huey: Launchpad wasn't answering his phone so... oh wait he was here the hold time.
Launchpad: Hey guys, sorry I didn't told you guys earlier.
Dewey: Wait what did Launchpad mean by that?
Drake: Ya he was post to tell you guys earlier that I need you here but, he immediately came here and forgot to tell you guys.
Huey: Ya well, we was busy with our own stuff earlier but, I guess we will just do it some other time.
Drake: So ask you guys know that Mark Beak have team up with Falcon Graves and now the Beagle boys are also teaming up with Mark and Falcon.
Dewey: Wait... first it was Mark, then Falcon Graves, and now Beagle boys are all teaming up.
Huey: But, the question is why they are teaming up?
Drake: Well, It that clear that they want to get revenge on your Uncle Scrooge and your family too but, this situation feel strange to me.
Launchpad: What do you mean Drake?
Drake: I mean, Falcon Graves is leading this operation but, It looks like he is taking orders from someone else too.
Fenton: Wait you are staying that Falcon is just a minion and someone else higher than him is taking charge of this operation?
Drake: Yes. It look like that we are facing very smart and serious person here.
Huey: Hopefully we can find out who he is and stop them for good.
Gosalyn: So what's the plan then?
Drake: Dewey, Huey I need you guys to go to the abandoned house that Mark and Mama Beagle was at.
Dewey and Huey: Okay.
Drake: I will send you guys the location of abandoned houses they were at.
Then Drake send the location of the abandoned house to Dewey and Huey.
Dewey and Huey: Okay we got it.
Drake: Good. Launchpad, Fenton I need you guys to go to Junkyard where Beagle boys are staying.
Fenton: Wait why...
Drake: I been hearing rumors that the Beagle boys found a magical diamond at a junkyard In St. Canard and Beagle boys found it.
Launchpad: What does this magical diamond do?
Drake: Well, I don't know. On this article I found online and it said that this magical diamond, was originally found by the best scientists at that time, Ludwig Von Drake.
Huey: Ludwig said that he called the diamond starlight because, how it looks similar to space stars.
Drake: Starlight diamond can tell your future and fate look like. It can see through what happens In the past, present, and the future.
Dewey: Wait, you are saying that diamond can see our future look like.
Drake: Ya pretty much.
Huey: How that's so cool.
Dewey: But, why would Beagle boys want that diamond?
Fenton: Or better yet, why would Mama Beagle want the diamond?
Drake: Well, It obviously that they want to see how the future when after they defeat us.
Launchpad: That does make sense.
Fenton: Well, we are not going to let that happen. Come on Launchpad let go.
Dewey: Wait how are we post to go to the abandoned house without Launchpad driving us there?
Drake: There is a secret path I found that you take you to the abandoned house. Now I need you guys to to find there plan and take a brought of pictures for evidenced.
Huey and Dewey: Okay.
Drake give Huey camera to take pictures.
Huey: Thank.
Drake: Now you guys be very careful, we don't know who we are up against.
Dewey: Don't worry Drake, we will be very careful.
Then the boys are about to leave where Gosalyn stop them.
Gosalyn: Dewey! Wait.
Then they stopped.
Dewey: Yes?
Gosalyn: There's something that I got for you.
Dewey: Really! What it is?
Gosalyn: This.
Then Gosalyn grad Dewey closed to her and then Gosalyn kiss Dewey for a few seconds.
Gosalyn: That's for good luck.
Then he punch Dewey on his shoulder.
Dewey: Ow.
Then the boys leave now.
Drake: Hmm...
Then Drake was looking at Gosalyn.
Gosalyn: What?
Drake: I saw what you did?
Gosalyn: That I kiss Dewey.
Drake: Ya pretty much. Why did you kiss him?
Gosalyn: For good luck.
Drake: No... I think, it more then that.
Gosalyn: What do you mean?
Drake: You like Dewey?
Gosalyn: Well, yes obviously I like Dewey.
Drake: I mean, like him more then just friends.
Gosalyn: Oh...
Then Gosalyn just stand still for a bit and she was blushing too.
Drake: Gosalyn... Earth to Gosalyn!
Gosalyn: Oh... ya right. That I have a crush on Dewey, we are just friends dad. Just friends.
Drake: Well, friends don't kiss each.
Gosalyn: I mean, some friends do.
Drake: Really... name one friend that kiss their other friend.
Gosalyn: Louie and Lena. I saw them kiss a couple of times past few weeks.
Drake: Wait Louie is dating Lena?
Gosalyn: Not really. I don't think they are dating because, If they did then, they would have told us by now.
Drake: The do make a lot of sense.
Meanwhile at Lena house, Louie and Lena was watching a movie and they are holding hands and very close to each other.
Lena: I am happy that we finally got peace just for 2 of us.
Louie: I know. It hard to find places to hang out just the 2 of us when your siblings want to know where you are going and see they want to come too. They ruined everything when we had planned for each other.
Lena: Well, luckily no one can't ruin anything this time.
Then they got close and they started to kiss for a few seconds until Lena got a call from Webby.
Lena: Oh It Webby.
Louie: You better just answer it.
Then Lena answers Webby call.
Lena: Hey Pink.
Webby: Hey Lena. I kind of wonder if want to hang out today.
Lena: Umm... I thought that you was hanging out with Dewey today?
Webby: I was but, both Dewey and Huey got a call from Drake that they need to see him right now.
Lena: Wait you are saying that Violet is heading back to my house?
Webby: Yes. I try to see If she want to hangout but, she got other plans.
Lena: Oh okay. Well, thank for calling me pink but, unfortunately I am hanging out with someone right now but, we can hang out soon but, I got to go bye...
Webby: Wait!
Lena hung up the phone.
Webby: Aw man... I really want to hang out with my best friend. Well, I guessed I can hang out at the mansion then.
Lena: Okay you got to go now Louie.
Louie: What! Why?
Lena: Because, Violet doesn't know that we been...
Louie: Hooking up.
Lena: Ew. Called it something else.
Louie: Dating.
Lena: Umm...
Louie: Oh come on we been dating for a week now.
Lena: Okay. Violet doesn't know that we are dating and she can't find out until I am ready to tell her.
Louie: What about your parents.
Lena: Oh they already know that we are dating.
Louie: What! How?
Lena: I accidentally told them that I was seeing someone and I told them that special someone was you.
Louie: Oh... well, I am surprised that you told them about us... kind of.
Then someone was opening the front door.
Lena: That's Violet. Follow me.
Lena grad Louie hand and he follow Lena to her home to her window.
Lena: Get out though this window and get on that tree and climb down.
Louie: Would Violet see me through the window.
Lena: I will distract her with something. Now go!
Then Louie climbed out of the window and he started climbing down the tree.
Then Violet open Lena door.
Then Lena closed her window but, not all the way.
Lena: Oh hey Violet.
Violet: Hey Lena.
Lena: Umm... what happened, I thought you post to hangout with Huey today?
Violet: Well, I was but he got a call from Drake and that he needed to see him and Dewey at his house. I guess Drake found something important that he needed to tell Huey and Dewey about. Anyway, how are you doing?
Lena: Good I was just watching movies In the front room.
Violet: Ah I see. I thought you posted to have someone over.
Lena: You know Dads they won't allowed any of our friends over when they are not home.
Violet: Really... not even your boyfriend?
Lena: Whaaat... me have a boyfriend. Ya right.
Violet: I saw Louie climbing out of your window and climbing down the tree.
Lena: Dang it Louie. You should have climbed the tree faster.
Violet: So... It is true? You and Louie are dating?
Lena: Yes. Me and Louie are dating.
Violet: Wait really... I was just kidding about that. Why you didn't told me, I would keep it a secret from dads.
Lena: Well... about that... Dads already know that me and Louie are dating.
Violet: Wait... I am the last person that known you guys are dating?
Lena: No. I haven't told anyone else yet. You are the second person I told besides for dads.
Violet: Well, I am happy for you and Louie.
Lena: Thank... now let keep this a secret until I am ready to tell people.
Violet: Okay.
Meanwhile at abandoned houses Dewey and Huey found undercover path to the abandoned house and they are talking and Drake can hear them because, Dewey and Huey have a ear radio that they can contact Drake If they are In danger.
Huey: So... do you want to talk?
Dewey: About what?
Huey: Umm... about Gosalyn kiss you?
Dewey: It was for good luck.
Huey: Dewey, you and I both know that wasn't for good luck. She kiss you longer for a good luck kiss.
Dewey: I wasn't expecting her to kiss me.
Huey: Well, I mean, you and Gosalyn are really close and have great chemistry with each other but...
Dewey: Are you staying that Gosalyn have the hot for me...
Huey: I think so but, you don't feel the same about her do you?
Dewey didn't say anything.
Huey: Do you have a crush on Gosalyn?
Dewey shake his head down and yes
Huey: Do you have a crush on anyone?
Dewey shake his yes up and down .
Huey: Can you tell me who you like?
Dewey: I don't want to talk about it Huey.
Then they found a door.
Huey: This must be the place. Now this door is obviously locked so, we have to find a way to...
Then Dewey put his hand on the door and it open.
Huey: Or just push the door and it opens too I guess.
Then they walk through the door.
Huey: Okay we need to find blueprints for there plan. You look upstairs and I look down here.
Dewey: Okay.
Huey: Let me know if you find anything.
Dewey: I will. You better do the same too.
Huey: I will.
(30 minutes) they found the blueprints but, they found something even more important too.
Huey: Dewey I found something.
Dewey: What it is?
Huey: It a blueprint of some machine that I never heard of before.
Then Dewey found some papers and It was talking about Jim Starling.
Dewey: Jim Starling? Why do they have information about Jim Starling?
Huey: Maybe because, this is Jim Starling home.
Then Huey found a sign said Home of Jim Starling. That sign is on the wall.
Dewey: I don't understand. Why Mark Beaks and Beagle boys using Jim Starling home as a... hide out?
Huey: I don't know Dewey. We better take pictures now before someone find out that we are In here.
Then they started to take pictures of everything but, they forgot something Important that we will tell you later.
Huey: Okay let get out of here...
Then they hear a sound coming from outside and was up In the front door so, the boys hide somewhere. They thought It was a cop but, actually It was Falcon Graves.
Falcon: Boss, I still don't understand why you want me to destroyed the copying of the blueprint... But, What If you need that copy In the future... okay but, what about the other stuff... okay, I will take care of it right now.
Then Dewey through a rock In a different room and Falcon hear It and went In there. So the boys run to the other door to under ground path and they escape.
Falcon: Umm... I thought, I hear something... Nah It was nothing... I will take care of It right now.
Then the boys was under ground and they are heading back to Drake house.
Huey: I don't understand why was Falcon there at Jim Starling house?
Dewey: He was probably there to destroy the evidence. Well, It too bad that we took some pictures before we leave.
Huey: I knew It was a good idea. Now we need to tell Drake about this... do you want to come?
Dewey: Yes I am coming. I not backing down this mystery.
Meanwhile at Mansion Scrooge was talking to Launchpad and Fenton.
Scrooge: So let me explain this, you guys went behind my back for trying to solve this mystery that we doesn't have to worry about and now you got the kids involved of this mystery case?
Fenton: Actually Mr McDuck It was Drake idea to solve this case and hopefully stopped them but, we found out that Beagle boys are working with Mark Beaks and Falcon Graves.
Scrooge: Wait Beagle boys are working with them, why?
Fenton: Well, they promised that they can keep the Diamond they found at a different junk yards.
Scrooge: Diamond you say?
Fenton: Yes... this diamond can see through your future.
Scrooge: Really? How come I didn't hear about this diamond until now?
Fenton: I don't know sir. Your old scientist discovered the diamond long ago but, I guess he never got the chance to tell everyone about that diamond.
Scrooge: It is still at the junk yard?
Fenton: according to my information It should be there still. Now they have probably moved it somewhere else and they are probably back at home so, you won't be able to get it tonight.
Scrooge: Well, at least you guy got this situation almost taken care of. Now It is very late so, I am going to bed. We will talk about this later.
Meanwhile at Drake house Huey was talking to Drake.
Drake: So that house used belong to Jim Starling and now they are using it as a hide out.
Gosalyn: Used to.
Drake: Say what now?
Huey: According to the new that abandoned house was destroyed during the fire and we saw Falcon Graves at that abandoned house.
Drake: He was destroying the evidence.
Gosalyn: Thank goodness that you guys take pictures of evidence before It was destroyed.
Dewey: Ya at least we know what they are building but, we still don't know what exactly they are building.
Drake: Well, what I can tell that this is probably a unfinished project.
Huey: Well, at least we know what their plans are... anyway, It is getting late and we walked home during  dark.
Drake: You guys can stay here.
Gosalyn: I am okay with that.
Dewey: Ya it definitely better staying here then getting kidnapped by some creep.
Drake: You guys can sleep In the guest room tonight.
Meanwhile at Negaduck HQ, he was looking at his window during beautiful night sky city of Duckburg. Then someone opened his door and It was Falcon Graves.
Negaduck: So... Did you got it?
Falcon: Right here.
Negaduck: Show me.
Then Falcon put the bag down and Negaduck opened the bag and he was smiling and doing a evil laugh.
Negaduck: So... did they fall for it?
Falcon: They have no idea that blueprints is fake.
Negaduck: Lucky you did a great job of hiding it. Keep up the good work Falcon Graves.
Falcon: Thank you sir.
Then he left but, he forgot to tell Negaduck about something.
Falcon: Umm... sir, can you tell me what was In that bag.
Negaduck: Oh some old blueprints I been working on for a long time. It probably my best idea ever. Now you can go but, I will contact you for more work.
Falcon: Thank you sir.
The end.
Well, what did you guys think of the episode?
Well, talk soon.
Bye guys.

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