Episode 3/ Girl sleepover

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(This episode takes place a day after attacks on McDuck filming studios.)
It was a gorgeous day in Duckburg but, the news was going everywhere that McDuck studio was attacked by Mark Beaks but, they couldn't prove it was him because, the camera was down, titanium was untraceable, and they couldn't identify the helicopter Mark escape.
Roxanne Featherly: This channel 6 news reporter right now at McDuck filming studio where the report said that McDuck filming studio was attacked and Scrooge said the attackers was Mark Beaks but, unfortunately the cop can't prove it was him. The camera was offline when the power was off, They couldn't trace Titanium that Mark used for his robots and he escaped on helicopter but, they couldn't identify the helicopter brand. So the question is did Mark Beaks really attacked McDuck filming studio and the why did he do it? Did Scrooge destroyed it because, of the landscape to make more money? These questions will be answered very soon. I am Roxanne Featherly from channel 6 news and talked to you guys very soon.
Scrooge: Escape! Escape! How did. Mark Beaks escaped from us.
Gosalyn: We have him out numbers and out gunned.
Webby: Technically he did have that robots army and we were out numbers but, we did fight back.
Launchpad: I don't understand, I have Mark Beaks In my hands but, I guess he got out of that situation.
Scrooge: This is not good. How did Mark Beaks escaped from you Fenton?
Fenton: I don't know. By the time I finally got my jet pack ready it was already too late to find him.
Scrooge: Drake did you find the helicopter that Mark Beaks was on?
Drake: No. There is a lot of helicopter he can use to escape. I can try to find it but, it will take some time.
Scrooge: How long would it be until you identify the right helicopter that Mark was using?
Drake: 6 maybe 8 hours but, it hard to tell how long it actually going to be. I will go back home and work on it right now.
Gosalyn: What about me?
Drake: Gosalyn you can stay with Scrooge and the boys tonight whiling I am trying to find what helicopter Mark escape on.
Gosalyn: Okay Dad.
Then Drake leaves.
Scrooge: Fenton I need you to go back to the laboratory.
Fenton: Now!
Scrooge: Now!
Fenton: Oh okay.
Then Fenton leaves.
Scrooge: Launchpad I need you to go with Drake and report back what you find on Mark Beaks.
Launchpad: Sure thing Mr McD.
Dewey: Uncle Scrooge, I think we need Huey to go with Launchpad on this one.
Webby: Dewey do have a point there. You know that Launchpad don't remember a lot of stuff.
Scrooge: You guys are right. I will ask Huey If he can go with Launchpad and find out more information on Mark and see where he went.
Webby: In the mean time we are going to have a girl sleepover!
Gosalyn: Oh that so cool. I haven't been invited a sleepover before.
Webby: Wait never.
Gosalyn; Yeah my grandpa and dad are overprotective of me because, they don't want me to get hurt or get In danger by someone.
Webby: Well, my granny is overprotective of me too but, lately she hasn't because, I am turning 13 soon.
Gosalyn: The boys birthday is before you right.
Webby: Yes. The boys are born first then after me.
Gosalyn: Anyway, what are we going to do first on our girls sleepover.
Webby: Well, I am sending a text to Lena and Violet to see If they want to stay the night and have a girls sleepover.
Dewey: Well, you girls have your sleepover. I will probably be In my room or somewhere beside staying In the mansion.
Webby: Oh okay Dewey.
Then the kids look to see that Scrooge left the room.
Dewey: Umm where Uncle Scrooge?
Webby: He is probably In his office room.
Meanwhile In Scrooge office room Scrooge was sitting down and he was thinking about what happened yesterday and how Mark Beaks passed through all of his security guards.
Then Miss Beackley opened the door.
Ms Beackley: Mr Scrooge what are you doing In your office?
Scrooge: Just thinking how Mark Beaks passed through all of my security guards, shut the power, and managed to escape from me, Launchpad, Drake, and Fenton.
Beackley: Ah so it is true that Mark Beaks was there.
Scrooge: Yes but, I still don't know why he was actually there for.
Beackley: Well, when I heard the news I thought it was fake but, when the news showed your studio I couldn't believe my eyes.
Scrooge: Did Della saw the news?
Beackley: She did and she is not happy that Dewey was there.
Scrooge: Now the kids didn't got hurt, they have managed their stuff on there owned.
Beackley: I understand Scrooge but, the kids could have gotten hurt or worse killed If something bad happened or the plan was completely failed.
Scrooge: Well, it didn't happen. We are going to take care of the situation Beackley.
Beackley: Okay but, If something bad happened to my Webby, I will destroy you! Do you understand!?
Scrooge: Yes Ms Beackley I understand.
Then she left.
Scrooge: Oh boy. I have to figure this situation fast or else...
Then Della was knocking on the door really loud.
Della: Uncle Scrooge!!! I know you are In there! We need to talk!
Then Scrooge walked and he opened the door.
Scrooge: Oh hey Della...
Della: Don't you say hey Della to me.
Scrooge: Is everything alright?
Della: Oh everything is fine but, except that you took Dewey to your studio and where it was under attacked.
Scrooge: Oh you saw the news didn't you?
Della: Yes I did and I am not happy with you.
Scrooge: Well here the deal, I didn't took Dewey to the studio. Yes he was there but, Launchpad drive him there and at that time it wasn't under attack.
Della: Well, at least it was attacked after but, you still let him fight.
Scrooge: Because, he want to fight because he is a McDuck and we are stronger together when we are fighting like a family.
Della: Well, at least he didn't got hurt.
Scrooge: The kids can handle their stuff pretty good In a battle. But, It that all you want to talk about.
Della: I do have one more question to ask you.
Scrooge: Okay.
Della: It is true that Mark Beaks was there and he was the one who attacked you guys?
Scrooge: Yes he did attacked us and we are trying to find him but, his trace is untraceable.
Della: Well, that sucks.
Scrooge: I mean, we have him right there but, we let him slip under our fingers tips.
Della: So... where are the kids.
Dewey: Is somewhere around the mansion, Webby is having a sleepover with her friends tonight, Huey and Louie went with Launchpad to Drake house to find information about where did Mark went.
Della: And what about you...
Scrooge: I will be In my office thinking about what to do next If we get a chance to find Mark.
Della: Okay. I won't keep you busy then Uncle Scrooge.
Then Della left Scrooge office room.
(Later during the night.)
It night time and the girls are having fun like watching movies, painting there nails, talking about boys... you know how girls sleepover normally is.
Webby: Are you girls having fun yet.
Violet: I am having a great time Webby.
Gosalyn: Me too.
Lena: Same here but, it very quiet here without the boys trying to see what we are doing.
Violet: Ooo Lena is thinking about a boy she like...
Lena: Be quiet Violet.
Gosalyn: Oh you have a crush on a boy?
Webby: Oh my gosh who it is?
Lena: It no one.
Lena was blushing because, she is definitely lying because, she have a crush on Louie but, no one knows about it except Violet who she accidentally found out when Lena slipped it out.
Webby: Lena... are you blushing?
Then Lena used her magic to change the temperature In the house.
Lena: What no... It just that I am very hot... It is hot In here.
Gosalyn: Ya it kind of getting a little hot In here.
Webby: I will see If someone touches the temperature In the house.
Gosalyn: I will go with you.
Then Webby and Gosalyn left the room.
Then Lena pinched Violet.
Violet: Ouch!
Lena: Are you crazy!?
Violet: What?
Lena: You almost slipped out to Webby and Gosalyn that I have a crush on Louie.
Violet: Well, it was your fault to tell me that you secretly have a crush on Louie.
Lena: I know but, please don't tell them.
Violet: But you know that I not good at keeping secrets.
Lena: Well, you have to suck it up for now because, I not ready to tell.
Violet: Why not?
Lena: Because, I never liked anyone because, I don't trust anyone besides my friends course but, you know that I have a hard life from my aunt who used me to get Scrooge number 1 dime and she escaped and we defeated her but, I was back In the demon world...
Violet: And we save you from your aunt twice. We always been there for you...
Lena: I know... I will always be there for you guys too but, I am afraid of getting rejected.
Violet: Lena, I don't think you won't be rejected by Louie.
Lena: And how do you know that?
Violet: I well...
Then Webby and Gosalyn showed up.
Webby: Well someone messed with the temperature In the house.
Lena: What!!! Who would do a thing like that.
Then Webby was looking at Lena.
Webby: It was you wasn't it?
Lena: Ya it was me?
Webby: Why would you mess with the temperature?
Lena: Because, I don't want to talk about my feelings for Louie... oh crap.
Then Lena hit herself with her own hands.
Webby: Wait you have a crush on Louie and you didn't told me about it?
Lena: Yes. I been having feelings for Louie and it only been happening a while now.
Webby: Why you didn't told me?
Lena: Because, I wasn't ready to tell you guys at all. You know I don't like telling people about my personal feelings and don't I don't trust anyone to go behind my back and tell people that I have a crush on Louie.
Webby: But you know that we would never do that.
Lena: Yeah well, I didn't expect Violet to slipped out that I have crush on Louie.
Gosalyn: But, she didn't.
Violet: To be honest I would have told you guys about Lena having a crush on Louie because, I can't keep a secret at all.
Webby: Well, it a good thing that the boys are not here.
Violet: Anyway, I heard that you have a great time at the park with Dewey couple weeks ago.
Webby: Ya we have a blast. We watched some movies, we eat some popcorn, we hold hands and then we walk home and went to bed.
Lena: Wait you guys hold hands.
Webby: We did but, we wasn't holding hands when we was walking back home.
Gosalyn: Hmm... It look like to me that you kind of have a crush on your best friend.
Webby: What! No! Me and Dewey are friends, best friends. It would be weird If me and Dewey are dating...
Violet: There are a lot of people who become best friends and start dating there best friends and end up marrying each other.
Lena: I mean, you and Dewey are amazing with each other. You guys are like PB&J or KQ or RJ. You guys are great together but, when you guys are apart...
Webby: We are terrible If we are not In each other life. I don't know what I will do If Dewey wasn't In my life.
Then Webby realized that she needed Dewey In her life because, she finally realized that Dewey is perfect for her.
Webby: (whispers) Holy cow. I have a crush on my best friend.
Meanwhile at Drake house, Drake, Launchpad, Huey, and Louie are trying to find information about Mark and where he went.
Launchpad: Drake, have you find the helicopter that Mark was on?
Drake: No Launchpad. I haven't yet.
Louie: Well, we need to find him or he will go after the money... I mean us next.
Drake: Don't worry... I think your money will be find.
Huey: Fenton have you find Mark location yet?
Fenton: Well, there is some new I went In his building and I found some text messages from person I have never heard of and the other is unknown.
Drake: Wait how did you manage to get In his office without getting caught?
Fenton: I have my way. I am sending you guys the files now.
Then Fenton send the files to Drake.
Drake: I got it. What do I do now.
Fenton: Open the files. Huey I need you to read the files too.
Huey: Wait why?
Fenton; Because, I think you know the person who Mark was talking to.
Then Drake opened the file and Huey was reading it and he found something that would stocked him.
Huey: It Falcon Graves.
Drake: Who is Falcon Graves?
Huey: He was a agent who was post to take Mark secret project he was working on but, I don't understand why is Falcon talking to Mark.
Fenton: Because, Mark and Falcon are working together! Falcon was the in who was flying the helicopter to help Mark escape.
Huey is a another messenger but, It unknown. Who could this person be.
Then we go to a dark place somewhere we don't know let and we hear a voice we haven't heard In a long time.
Negaduck: I am back baby.
Then the light show on his yellow suit and red eyes.
Negaduck: I am ready to get my revenge on Darkwing Duck and finally killed him want and for all.
The End.
Did you guys like episode 3? What was your favorite part or scene?
Well that's all I need to say. I will see you guys later then.
Bye guys.

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