Episode 1/ "Not a Date"

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It was a beautiful morning In Duckburg at McDuck mansion, Miss Beackly is making breakfast and tea for Scrooge. Meanwhile Scrooge was putting a piece of a newspaper archive on his boardwall and it was about his families and friends saving Duckburg and the world. (It been almost a year since Lunaris was defeated and moon people have found there new home of Earth.)
Scrooge also put a picture with the newspaper article and pictures was the families hugging and cheering after they defeated Lunaris.
Scrooge: A another great adventure to add on the list.
Scrooge got a notebook and he was writing down what happened on the adventure and then he heard a knock on his door and he hide his notebook In his desk.
Scrooge: Come In.
Then the door open and it was Miss Beackley.
Ms. Beackley: Mr McDuck I just want to tell you that Breakfast is finished.
Scrooge: Thank you for telling me Ms Beackley. I will come down In a minute.
Then Beackley walk In and was looking at the boardwall. Then Scrooge was looking at the boardwall too.
Ms Beackley: I can't believe It almost been a year since we defeated Lunaris and save the world.
Scrooge: I know. I still can't believe that I team up with Glomgold and he got his company back.
Ms Beackley: Well, at least If he do something stupid he will use all of company money and make it go bankrupt.
Scrooge was laughing.
Scrooge: Ya... that does sound like Glomgold.
Ms Beackley: Anyway, I will find the kids that breakfast is done.
Scrooge: Oh don't bother them Ms Beackley. The kids are at the park right now.
Ms Beackley: Oh... how come I didn't hear this until now.
Scrooge: Maybe you was too busy working and wasn't paying attention to the kids.
Ms Beackley: That's not true. I do pay attention to the kids... when I see them... In the kitchen... or In the front room... okay. I only pay attention to little details but, I pay attention to Webby.
Scrooge: Ms Beackley, you can't be too protective of Webby. She is almost 13 years old and she will be going to Middle School with the boys this coming school year.
Ms Beackley: I know. I told Webby that I will try be less protective and less strict.
Scrooge: Was it your idea for Webby go to Middle School this up coming school year?
Ms Beackley: Yes I did because, I realized that school is super important and Webby is very smart lady, much smarter than me.
Scrooge: Ya... Webby have become very smart, strong lady and her future is just getting started.
Ms Beackley: Well, I can agree with you on that one.
Scrooge: Now let go downstairs to the dining room and have breakfast.
Ms Beackley: Of course Mr McDuck.
Meanwhile at the park, the kids was playing on slides, swing, and monkey bars except for Dewey who was laying down on the grass and looking at the clouds. Then Webby sit down by Dewey.
Webby: What are you doing Dewey?
Dewey: Oh... just looking at the clouds.
Webby was looking at the clouds.
Webby: The clouds do look beautiful today.
Dewey: Well, they are not the only thing beautiful today.
Webby: What?
Dewey: Oh I mean the flowers look beautiful too.
Webby: Oh... okay.
The Dewey grad a flower on the ground and put it on Webby hair.
Webby: Oh... Thank you Dewey for the flower.
Dewey: Your welcome. Now I can the beautiful flower on your pretty hair.
Webby blush.
Dewey saw Webby blush and he his blushing now too.
Dewey: So... Webby there is a movie marathon going on at the park later tonight and I want to see If you can be my dat... I mean do you want to go with me.
Webby: Sure. I would love to be your dat... I mean with you I meant.
Dewey: Okay. I will grab some stuff for tonight then after we get done hanging out at the park.
Webby: Okay.
Dewey and Webby are both looking at each other and then quickly turn there head to stop staring at each other but, Webby looked back at Dewey and she was smiling.
Meanwhile Louie, Huey, Violet, and Lena are on the beach and talking until they was looking at Dewey and Webby.
Louie: It is me or are Dewey and Webby acting like they are flirting with each other.
Violet: I don't think they are flirting Louie.
Huey: Ya I don't think Webby have flirted with any boy before.
Lena: Well... I actually agree with Louie.
Huey: I sorry you are agreeing with Louie?
Louie: Wait really I thought she was kidding that she was going to say that they are not flirting.
Lena: Look guys, Dewey and Webby have both been acting weird around each other the past few months.
Violet: Are you saying that they might have... feelings for each other?
Huey: When you say feelings, It like normal feelings or... romantic feelings.
Violet: The second one.
Louie: Dewey and Webby both like each other!?
Huey: I mean, it is a possibility that they do have romantic feelings for each other In moments they have.
Violet: Ya like Dewey finally got first information about your mom and he hugged Webby for helping him find information about your mom.
Lena: Or when you got went to mount nevertheless and Dewey was teaching Webby how to slide and they did it together.
Huey: I mean, can you call them moments romantic feelings for each other.
Lena: Not really but, they have a lot In common and they both really care about each other feelings and they will be there for each other no matter what.
Louie: I am just saying that we need to find more information that If they both like each other.
Lena: And how are we post to do that.
Huey: Well, according to Dewey calendar, there is a movie marathon going on at the park tonight and Dewey taking Webby as his date.
Violet: I don't like the idea of spying on your brother.
Lena: Oh come on Violet. Is like nothing bad is going to happen.
Huey: Well, she does have a point there.
Lena: Excuse me?
Huey: If Dewey found out that we was spying on him then he will never trust us and probably won't talk to us ever again.
Violet: Ya maybe, we just be patient and talk to him If he wants to talk about his feelings.
Lena: I agree with Violet.
Huey: Me too.
Louie: Okay. I guess we can wait for a bit then.
(This scene will take place at the mansion and it about getting dark.)
It 7 o'clock, it about getting dark and Dewey is about ready for his movie "not date" with Webby.
Dewey: Look... I think that is it from my list. I got my phone, got this basket for me and Webby, got blanket to sit on, and I got my bug spray.
Huey: Wow... look like you are ready for your date with Webby.
Dewey: It not a date Huey.
Huey: Well, you are going to the park together, by yourself.
Dewey: Ya so...
Huey: To me it kind of sound like a date.
Dewey: Wait... you go to the library with Violet alone.
Huey: Ya well, you don't read and Louie hate reading .
Louie: It true, I don't like reading anything.
Dewey: Well, besides your message with Lena.
Huey: Ooo.
Louie: Well, because Lena is a cool person and I want to keep her messages.
Dewey: That you can remember it everyday.
Huey: You obviously keep her message If they are important to you. Wait are the messages important?
Louie: Well, not really. We talked about everything and I mean everything. If you guys have the time to get to know Lena, she is a very smart and amazing person.
Huey: Wow... you really care about her don't you?
Louie: Ya I guess I do care about her.
Dewey: anyway, you guys this this shirt is too small.
Louie: You wear the same shirt for the past two years.
Dewey: I have different shirts, it just that.
Louie: They are all same brand you wear.
Dewey: Ya pretty much.
Huey: Dewey, your shirt is find. You are just nervous about the date.
Dewey: It not a date Huey. Anyway Webby is waiting for me so I have to go.
Huey: Okay Dewey.
Louie: Have fun with your date!
Dewey: Have fun talking to your girlfriend!
Louie: Lena is not my girlfriend!
(At the park)
At the park it was dark and the movie was playing on a projector screen and everyone was laughing, holding hands, cuddling, just having a fun time. Dewey and Webby are having amazing time.
Webby: I am glad that you as me to go with you Dewey.
Dewey: Oh really?
Webby: Ya. Normally I will be In my room by myself and not leaving the house because...
Dewey: Because, Ms Beackley is super over protective for you.
Webby: I mean, she is protected not super protective. She did say that this up coming School Year I can go to school with you, Huey, and Louie.
Dewey: I know and I am still excited that you are going to my school this year. We are going to have so much fun In Middle School together.
Webby: I know. I still want to say thank you for being me.
Dewey: You don't have to say thank you Webby, we are best friends.
Webby: Ya best friend.
Then Webby accidentally was holding Dewey hand and she was blushing and she tried to move her hand but, Dewey looked at Webby hand and he is holding her hand and now they are both holding each hand while watching the movie. They look at the dark sky and look at the beautiful night time of Duckburg.

The End.

Okay I hope you like episode 1 of my DuckTales book. I will work on Episode 2 later.
So that's all I need to say so, I will see you guys later then.
Bye guys.

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