Eposide 2/ Gizmoduck and Dark Knight return want again

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(This day takes place 2 weeks after Dewey and Webby "not date" at the park.)
It was a beautiful day In Duckburg and at McDuck mansion, Launchpad was waiting for Scrooge when he saw Della walking by him.
Launchpad: Hey Ms Duck.
Della: Launchpad I told you can call me by my first name.
Launchpad: Oh sure thing Della.
Della: Anyway, what are you doing out here?
Launchpad: I am actually picking up Scrooge.
Della: Oh... does he have a business meeting today?
Launchpad: Well, not really. He have a meeting with a film director at Scrooge film studios.
Della: Wait... Scrooge own a film studio! When did I miss this!?
Launchpad: Oh he made this studio few years after you went missing.
Della: That's why I didn't know about it. Do you know what movie they are making?
Launchpad: I actually don't know Della. All I know that Scrooge need to be pick up and that it what I am doing...
Then Scrooge finally showed up.
Scrooge: Ah Launchpad... sorry I keep you out here by your... Oh Della.
Della: Oh That is what you going to say to your niece.
Scrooge: I mean, Hi Della.
Della: That much better.
Scrooge: Thank you keeping Launchpad some occupied.
Della: Your welcome Uncle Scrooge.
Scrooge: Launchpad get go.
Launchpad: Ok.
Then Launchpad was looking at Della.
Launchpad: I will see you later Della.
Della: Okay Launchpad.
Then Della waved her hand to Launchpad and he wave back to Della to say goodbye to her.
Then Launchpad started driving and then they left the mansion.
Meanwhile the kids was In the front room watching TV. Then Della came In the front door and then went In the from room.
Della: Hey kids.
Huey and Louie: Hey Mom.
Violet and Lena: Hey Ms Duck.
Della: What are you guys watching.
Louie: furious Empire.
Della: Ah okay.
Then Della look that Dewey and Webby are not In the front room.
Della: Umm... where Dewey and Webby?
Huey: Oh Dewey is taking Webby to meet his new friend Gosalyn Mallard?
Della: Mallard? I don't think I heard that name before.
Violet: Well, her father is Drake Mallard who post to play the role ask Darkwing Duck.
Della: Uh... I didn't know that.
Huey: Well, it didn't happen because, there was a fight and a fire break out at the studio and the movie was immediately canceled.
Della: Wait there was a fire at the studio! When this happened?
Louie: Couple of months after you got back from the Moon.
Della: Well, at least everyone was safe and nothing bad happened.
Huey: Well, the guy who played Darkwing Duck In the TV Show Jim Starling was pronounced dead but, they never found the body.
Della: Your saying that he is still alive.
Huey: Well, we don't know.
Violet: All we know that Jim was In the studio and then he mysteriously disappeared.
Della: Well, not everything have to be a mystery
Huey: Everything is a mystery Mom.
Della: Well, some mystery may be hard to handle and I just don't want to guys getting hurt.
Louie: We know Mom.
Meanwhile at Drake home we see that Dewey, Webby, and Gosalyn are talking and Drake is on his computer and trying to find the bad guys doing criminal stuff.
Webby: I heard that Dewey tried to help you find your grandpa.
Gosalyn: Ya he did tried to help find my grandpa but, when we tried to it was too late and we lost him. I know that he is still out there and I am not going stop until I found him.
Webby: So It Dewey helping you finding your grandpa.
Gosalyn: He was but, I told him that I will let him know If I need him to help me.
Webby: Umm... how about you just give me one minute to talk to Dewey quickly.
Gosalyn: Okay.
Then Webby grad Dewey hand and they walked to the other side of the room.
Webby: Why you didn't told me that you was trying to help Gosalyn finding her grandpa?
Dewey: Because, she told me not to tell anyone and that was including you. I did want to tell you Webby but, I promise Gosalyn that I wasn't going to say this to anyone.
Webby: Just promise me that you will get me involved helping you finding Gosalyn grandpa.
Dewey: Wait... you want to help?
Webby: Dewey, you are my best friend. I would do anything for you, I mean anything for my friend.
Dewey: I would do anything for you too Webby.
They started to hold hands and they were holding hands for a few seconds and then Launchpad showed up.
Launchpad: Hey guys.
Dewey and Webby: Launchpad!
Webby: What are you doing here?
Drake: Launchpad called me that he had something important that he wanted me to tell.
Launchpad: Mr Scrooge want you at McDuck film studio immediately?
Gosalyn: Wait why?
Launchpad: Because, Scrooge want to make a Darkwing Duck movie!
Drake: What!!!
Webby: Wait I thought that the movie was posted to be canceled?
Launchpad: Well, it was but, they got studio back up to running and they rebuilt the stance.
Drake: So the Darkwing Duck film is going actually happened?
Launchpad: Yes and that's why we need to go to the studio now.
Drake: Okay. I will grad some... things then.
Launchpad: Okay. Dewey, Webby let go to the Limo.
Dewey and Webby: Okay.
Then Gosalyn talks to Drake.
Gosalyn: Drake... you don't think it a trapped right?
Drake: Gosalyn, Lunaris is defeated, Jim is dead, and Taurus Bulba is unknown. I don't think we don't have to worry about being a trapped.
Gosalyn: What about Scrooge enemies?
Drake: Oh I forgot about them. Well, If they do show up then I will stopped them.
Gosalyn: Okay.
(This scene is at the McDuck film studio.)
At McDuck film studio, Scrooge is working with the director who was posted to work on the Darkwing Duck movie the first time.
Alistair Boorswan: Where is Drake Mallard?
Scrooge: He will be here shortly.
Then he showed up but, he throw a purple smoke bomb.
Drake: I am the terror that flapped through the night. I am the darkness of doom. I am Darkwing Duck.
Scrooge: Finally... where were you?
Drake: Sorry Mr McDuck, we got stuck In traffic but, I am here so we can get started it.
Alistair Boorswan: We actually missing one more person.
Then something slammed Into the door and crashed it. It was Gizmoduck.
Fenton: Gizmoduck is here.
Dewey: Fenton!
Fenton: Oh hey Huey.
Dewey: I am Dewey.
Fenton: Oh sorry you know I always get you guys name wrong.
Launchpad: What are you doing here?
Fenton: Scrooge told me that they was going to make a Gizmoduck movie.
Launchpad: But, Scrooge told me that they was going to make a Darkwing Duck movie.
Then they all was looking at Scrooge and then Dewey was on the table and he have a pencil and he was pointing at Scrooge with it.
Dewey: You was going to make a Gizmoduck and Darkwing Duck and you didn't told me, why you didn't tell me?
Scrooge: Really don't you remember what happened last time...
Dewey: Oh I guess it now. That make a lot of sense now.
Launchpad: Wait it a Darkwing and Gizmoduck movie you guys are making.
Scrooge: That's the plan but, we know that they don't like each other.
Drake and Fenton: I didn't say that?
Fenton: We are different superhero but, we are fighting for the same things...
Drake: To keep Duckburg safe from enemies like...
Then suddenly the light went off.
Scrooge: Light went out.
Fenton: I will check it out.
Drake: I will go with you.
Then Fenton and Drake walked out of the room and they are trying to find the light box.
Scrooge: Well, I will find a candle to light it up. Kids don't go anywhere and Launchpad, keep an eyes on the kids.
Launchpad: Sure thing Mr McD.
Then Scrooge walked out of the room too to find the candles.
Meanwhile Drake and Fenton were talking.
Fenton: Drake I do have a question to ask you.
Drake: Sure. You ask me anything?
Fenton: Do you really hate me?
Drake: What! Course not! I don't hate you. It quoted opposite.
Fenton: I don't hate you either but, how come they said we do hate each other.
Drake: Well, we are different superhero and we fight very differently so, I can see why they want us to hate each other.
Then it quite.
Drake: Fenton... you there?
Fenton: Umm... Drake... you may want to look at this.
Then Drake look at the light box and it was destroyed by a blast of a laser.
Fenton: It looks like the box was destroyed some sort of laser.
Drake: Laser but, how we didn't see anyone In here.
Fenton: Tell Scrooge that we are not alone.
Drake: Okay.
Then Drake called Launchpad.
Launchpad: Hmm... I am getting a call from Drake. Hello.
Drake: Launchpad is Scrooge there with you guys?
Launchpad: No. He is getting a candle why do you ask.
Drake: Well, we might have a problem.
Webby: Problem! What problem?
Drake: Launchpad? Is your speaker on full blast?
Launchpad: Yes.
Drake: Dang it. Look someone destroyed the light box with a laser so, there someone here that shouldn't be.
Dewey: You mean, a trusted passer.
Drake: Yes Dewey. There is a trusted passer In the studio but, we don't know who it is.
Launchpad: Well, do you want me there to help you guys.
Then they heard a huge sounds.
Fenton: Umm... Drake... we have company.
Launchpad: Drake, what going on?
Then Fenton and Drake saw a person on the stage and he was laughing and do you know who it is... (Oh wait, you don't because, the light is off. Well, let me should you who it is then.)
Then the light came back on and It was Mark Beaks.
Mark Beaks: Well, well, well, it is Gizmoduck and... Darkwing Duck. What is Darkwing Duck doing here? I thought this studio post to make a Gizmoduck movie.
Fenton: Mark Beaks.
Drake: Wait you knew Mark Beaks.
Fenton: Ya I have worked for him before I got fired by Gyro and then Scrooge rehired me and we had clashed few times here and there.
Mark Beaks: Hmm... I wasn't expecting plus one on the list so, I will get my robot a call.
Fenton: Your what?
Then Mark active a button for his robot and then they are popping up out of nowhere and some of them are crashing In the window and breaking it into tiny pieces of glass.
Mark make a robot that kind of look like foot clan robots from TMMT 2003.
Drake: Holy cow.
Make Beaks: You like it. Ya I make them out of Titanium.
Fenton: Titanium!
Drake: Titanium is illegal to used Duckburg district. How did you got Titanium without getting unreachable?
Mark Beaks: Well, I got help from a old friend of my. Robot attack Darkwing Duck. Gizmoduck is all mind.
Then Robot are now chasing and attacking Drake and the fight begins with Gizmoduck and Mark Beaks.
Then Launchpad and the kids heard the building and it was shaking.
Gosalyn: What going on?
Dewey: It appears that we are being attacked?
Webby: By who?
Then Scrooge came In the room and he tell them what is going on.
Webby: Scrooge what going on out there?
Scrooge: The Studio is under attack by Mark Beaks?
Everyone: Mark Beaks?
Dewey: Wait... how did Mark Beaks pass through all the guards?
Scrooge: We can worry about that later but, right now we have to save Drake and Fenton.
Launchpad: Oh no my Best friend Drake is In danger.
Then Launchpad opens the door and he starts running.
Launchpad: I am coming to save you buddy.
Dewey: I no longer his best friend.
Webby: It okay Dewey, I am still here.
Dewey: Thank Web.
Then they started running to save Drake and Fenton.
Drake: Take this, take that, and you definitely need this.
Drake is fighting the robot but, I don't know how much longer he can handle it alone.
Fenton: Mark why are so obsessed of me?
Mark Beaks: It not you. It your suits. It can be the most powerful weapon In the world and If I have it, I can rule the world.
Fenton: Ya I am not going to let that happen and then out of nowhere Launchpad tackler Mark Beaks.
Launchpad: Fenton!!!
Fenton: Launchpad!
Then the kids and Scrooge show up.
Fenton: Scrooge and kids! What are you doing here.
Scrooge: Why resuming you course.
Dewey: Ya we are a team.
Gosalyn: Family.
Webby: We do this together.
Mark Beaks: Oh you do this together... okay robot attack the Scrooge and his family.
Then Scrooge and kids start attacking the robot and they were winning but, It was a perfect time for Mark Beaks make his escape and he did. See you later Fenton. Until we meet again Scrooge McDuck.
Scrooge: Mark is getting away.
Fenton: No he not. Jet pack ready.
Then Fenton got his jet pack on and he is flying and trying to stop Mark but, it was too late, he got on the helicopter and he escaped.
Fenton: No! He got away.
Mark Beaks: I can't believe that I make it out there alive. I thought they would capture me for sure but, you can right on time my server.
Falcon Graves: I am not your server, remember you are working for me and my new boss now.
Mark: Well, mission was accomplished.
Falcon Graves: You got the hard drive.
Mark: Right here.
Mark hand the hard drive to Falcon Graves.
Falcon Graves: This hard drive is very important for my boss.
Mark: And... what this hard drive for?
Falcon Graves: This hard drive can help my boss for finding a way to kids Darkwing Duck but, the plan isn't done yet. We still need allies to help us.
Mark: I know who can help us.
The End.
Well, what did you guys think of episode 2. Sorry this came out late but, I was busy this week with work so, here it is and I will see you guys later then.
Bye guys.

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