Episode 5/ McDuck Work Party

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It was a beautiful morning In Duckburg but, at McDuck mansion everyone was already up and having breakfast except Dewey. Dewey was In the garage and he been practicing singing for Scrooge work party.
(Yes we have a past a week now and everything is already changing. Louie and Lena been secretly dating for a week and no one knows about it yet. Webby feeling for Dewey is getting stronger and she doesn't know how long she can stay quiet about it. Drake and Fenton been working together to stop this new threat and stopped there plan.)
Anyway Dewey was playing his guitar but then, one of his strings broke and he stopped.
Dewey: Aw man my guitar strings is broken. Well, It look like that I need to go to the music store to get me a new string for my guitar.
Dewey was looking around to see If anyone was close to the garage but, everyone is In the dining room having breakfast so, Dewey grad his guitar and walked out of the garage and he is walking to the front door and he is on his phone calling Launchpad If see he can pick him up and take him to the music store and then Della saw Dewey walking towards to the front door.
Della: Morning Honey.
Dewey: Morning Mom.
Della: Where are you going this morning.
Then Della saw Dewey guitar.
Della: Why do have your guitar?
Dewey: Well, my guitar strings broke this morning so, Launchpad is taking me to the music store so, I can grad a new string for my guitar.
Della: Oh okay. Well, remember you have to be home early to help us with Scrooge Work Party tonight.
Dewey: Don't worry Mom, I am going there and coming back. It won't take too long to find the strings I am looking for.
Della: Okay. Just be careful.
Dewey: I will mom.
Then Dewey walked out and he went In the Limo and they started driving off.
(Next scene.)
Dewey and Launchpad was In the music store looking for strings that Dewey need for his guitar.
Launchpad: So Dewey, why do you need a new string for your guitar?
Dewey: Well... I umm... okay don't tell anyone about this but, I am actually going to play a song I been working on for Uncle Scrooge Work Party.
Launchpad: Wait you are?
Dewey: Ya I been thinking about it and I ask Uncle Scrooge about it and he said that I can sing tonight at this business work party.
Launchpad: I didn't know you could sing buddy?
Dewey: Well, to be honest no one really knows that I can sing. I just been shy about my singing voice but, I am going to face my fears and sing tonight and hopefully everyone likes my song.
Launchpad: So can you tell me what the name for your song?
Dewey: Sorry LP, I can't tell you.
Launchpad: Why not?
Dewey: Because It a secret.
Launchpad: Oh... I am good keeping a secret.
Dewey: The only thing you are good at is crashing the limo.
Launchpad: Ya I am really good crashing my limo huh.
Dewey: That's not a good compliment buddy.
Launchpad: Can you please tell me?
Dewey: Sorry buddy, you just have to wait until I sing my song tonight.
Then Dewey find the strings he was looking for but, then Dewey thought that he saw Gosalyn but, he put his hand on his eyes and then he actually did saw Gosalyn so, he walked towards her to just say hi to her.
Dewey: Hey Gosalyn.
Gosalyn: Oh hey Dewey.
Dewey: What are you doing here?
Gosalyn: I am looking at the guitar.
Dewey: Oh so, you are a musician then?
Gosalyn: Not really. I just like how they look and how they sound. It looks like you are looking for a string for your guitar. I didn't know you played guitar?
Dewey: Ya I been playing the guitar since I was little but, ya I am here to get a new string for my guitar.
Launchpad: Ya he is actually post to sing at Scrooge work party tonight.
Dewey: Launchpad!
Launchpad: Oops. I wasn't post to say anything about right?
Dewey: Yes. You wasn't post to say anything about that Launchpad.
Gosalyn: Wait you are a singer?
Launchpad: And song writer.
Dewey: Launchpad!!
Launchpad: Okay. I will shut up now.
Gosalyn: I didn't know that you wrote and sing?
Dewey: Ya I been writing song for a while now and I am actually singing tonight at my Uncle Scrooge work party.
Gosalyn: Ya me and my dad are invited to the party.
Dewey: Oh that cool. You can hangout with me and Webby during the party.
Gosalyn: That will be great.
Then Gosalyn look at her phone and saw that Drake send her a text message.
Gosalyn: Sorry guys, I which I can talk longer to you guys but, my dad need me to come home now.
Dewey: Oh okay. I will see you tonight then.
Gosalyn: Same here.
Then Gosalyn walked out of the music store and was heading home. Then Dewey pay for his guitar strings and they are heading home too.
(Next scene.)
Everyone is getting ready for the party In the ballroom and Huey is in charge of a party planer.
Huey: Okay. We got the balloons, table cloth, spoons, folks, butler knife, foods, drinks, DJ stuff, speaker, and that sure be it.
Della: Me and Miss Beackley are cooking the food right now.
Boy 1: We got the speaker you asked for Mr McDuck.
Scrooge: Ah thank you lad.
Louie: Okay the balloons and the table have been taken care of.
Donald: I got the drink taken care of too.
Then here Launchpad.
Launchpad: I got the spoons, folks, and knife taken care of too.
Then Launchpad didn't look where he was walking and he hit his face on the door and everything fell out of his hands.
Launchpad: Oh no.
Donald: Launchpad you idiot.
Della: Hey don't call Launchpad idiot.
Donald: Why are you defending him all of a sudden?
Della: Launchpad is my friend and I don't want you call my friend rude name.
Donald: Are you talking back to your own brother?
Della: No. I am talking back to you.
Then the boys was laughing.
Donald: Oh you think this is funny.
Louie: Ya pretty much.
Donald: Well, thank to your mom now you all have to work on my boat tomorrow.
Louie: Wait what?
Huey: Mom say sorry to Uncle Donald.
Della: No I rather eat dirk then say sorry to my brother for trying to defend my friend Launchpad.
Donald: Oh well, you heard her mom, you guys better get ready It almost time for guests arrive.
Boys: Okay.
Then the boys when upstairs to change.
Della: What the Heck Donald?
Donald: What did I do this time?
Della: You yell at Launchpad for dropping the spoons, folks, and knife. You punish the boys because, they was just laughing. You know they are still kids, right?
Donald: Della, they are about to turn 13 years old this year. They are becoming teenagers and they have to learn about life because, It can be scary.
Della: I know. We were kid long ago remember.
Donald: Yes I remember Della.
Della: I just want them to be kid just for a little bit longer.
Donald: I know you do but, they are growing up so fast. Huey is working with Drake and Fenton how to stop a new threat that might destroy Duckburg. Louie been hanging out with Lena more often then his brothers and Webby. Dewey been practicing singing his new song and he is going to sing at Scrooge work party tonight.
Della: Wait Dewey is going to sing at Scrooge party tonight?
Donald: Oh you didn't hear the new didn't you?
Della: No I haven't heard the new because, no one have talked to me today except Dewey but, he didn't told me that he was singing tonight at Uncle Scrooge party.
Donald: Ya, Scrooge told me couple hours ago that Dewey is going to sing at his party tonight.
Della: Well, I hope he ain't nervous or get stage fright.
Donald: Dewey been singing for years now and he is finally getting a chance what he can do with his singing skills. I think, he been waiting for this day for a long time now.
Della: I know Donald. Tonight is Dewey night to shine on the stage and we will be there for him when he sing tonight.
Donald: Yes Della, we are going to support Dewey dream of becoming a professional singer.
Meanwhile the girl was getting ready for the party tonight.
Lena: Why do we have to wear dresses for this party?
Webby: Because, It Scrooge work party and we are having it at the mansion so that means, everyone have to wear fancy clothes and be on there best behavior.
Lena: Okay. But, I am going to hate wear a dress for tonight.
Webby: That's fine with me.
Violet: Oh did you guys hear that Dewey is going to sing tonight at the party.
Lena and Webby: What!?
Lena: Dewey is going to sing tonight?
Webby: And he didn't even told me about it?
Violet: Yes he is going to sing tonight and I guess he was keeping this a secret until he was probably going to surprise us.
Webby: Well, I still stocked that he didn't told me about it.
Lena: Speaking of... you been acting weird around Dewey, Webby why is that?
Webby: Umm...
Violet: Webby, is there something that you haven't told us yet?
Webby: Okay... I am going to tell you lady's.
Violet and Lena: Okay.
Webby: I think, I have a crush on my best friend, Dewey.
Violet and Lena: Wait what!?
Violet: You might have a crush on Dewey?
Lena: Dewey is your best friend but, I thought I was your best friend?
Webby: You are also my best friend too Lena. I do have a crush on Dewey.
Violet: How long you been having feelings for Dewey?
Webby: About few weeks.
Lena: Why you didn't told us about you having a crush on Dewey?
Webby: Well, to be honest I didn't start developing feelings until we was at Ithaquack when I was helping Dewey solve his mom case, then I guess my feelings for Dewey changed over the years and... I think the feeling I have for him now is a crush feeling but, also love feeling.
Violet: So are you In love with Dewey?
Webby: Maybe... look girls I still not ready to talk about it yet.
Lena: That okay because, you told us the truth and that matters to us.
Violet: Still can't believe that you have a crush on Scrooge nephew.
Lena: So... when you and Dewey get married that mean you will have Dewey last name and be rich too.
Webby: Woah... this is way too soon talk about marriage don't you think?
Lena: Ya that does make sense.
Then Miss Beackley knocked on the door.
Beackley: Girls it time for the party.
Webby: Okay granny.
Then the girls got done and went downstairs. The boys was already downstairs and they are already ready for the party.
Boys: Woah!
The boys was shocked how beautiful the girls were.
Louie: Wow you look amazing Lena.
Lena blush
Lena: Thank. You look really handsome tonight Louie.
Huey: You look stunning Violet.
Violet: Thank Huey. You really good too.
Then they went to there table except for Dewey and Webby.
Dewey: Wow... There is a difference between beautiful and stunning, you are both of that.
Webby blush.
Webby: Aw thank you Dewey. You look really handsome tonight.
Then they look at each other for a few minutes and then Webby said something.
Webby: What?
Dewey was just looking at Webby.
Webby: What.
Then studding Dewey move his hands on Webby face and he kissed her. Then Webby kissed him back and they were kissing for a about few seconds.
Webby: Wow.
Dewey: Ya wow.
Webby: Anyway, I heard you was singing tonight so, I just wanted to say good luck and don't break your leg out there.
Dewey: Wait minute... how did you know that I was lost to sing tonight?
Webby: Your Uncle Scrooge told us that you was going to sing at his party tonight.
Dewey: Dang it Huey, I told him to keep it a secret.
Webby: How come you didn't told me that you can sing?
Dewey: It wasn't a big deal Webby.
Webby: It is a big deal not to me but, everyone.
Dewey: Great so everyone knows that I am singing tonight then?
Webby: Well, maybe If you didn't told Huey then you wouldn't have a problem.
Then they started to laugh.
Dewey: Ya I shouldn't have told him about it then.
Webby: You know that Huey can't keep a secret.
Dewey: Ya you are right about that Webby.
Then there was a announcement and someone is talking In the speaker.
Boy 1: Alright everyone, get to your seats. The party will begin soon.
Dewey: Well, I should go to the stage then.
Webby: Okay. I will speak to you later then.
Dewey: Okay Webby.
Then Webby went to the table with the other kids.
Violet: Lena, are you ready to tell everyone that you are dating Louie.
She whispered to Lena.
Lena: No. It too soon to tell people that I am In a relationship with Louie.
She whispered to Lena.
Huey: So what are you girl's talking about?
Violet: Umm... nothing.
Huey: Hmm... okay.
Then the party began with Scrooge talking.
Scrooge: Hello everybody and welcome to McDuck mansion.
Everyone began to clap and cheer.
Scrooge: Over 138 years old since the found the McDuck nugget I made this business what it is today. Now we do have a special guest tonight and he is going to sing some of his new songs he been working on. Now let cheer for my great nephew, Dewey Duck.
Everyone begins to clap and cheer again.
Dewey: Hi everyone, I just wanted to say a few words before I sing for you people tonight. I wanted to say thank to my Uncle Scrooge letting me get a chance to sing tonight at his party. I also, wanted to say thank for everyone In my life who been supporting me of my dream of becoming a professional singer and I hope, I can be good too. The song I am going to sing tonight is called Stuck on You and I hope you like.
(Stuck on You was sing by Ross Lynch on Austin and Ally.)
Begin to play with his guitar and he started singing.
(Dewey is singing but, Imagine him have a singing voice like Ross Lynch.
Dewey: Ooh, ooh, yeah
Okay, maybe I'm shy
But usually, I speak my mind
But by your side, I'm tongue-tied
Sweaty palms, I turn red
You think I have no confidence
But I do, just not with you
Now, I'm singing all the words I'm scared to say
So forgive me if I'm doing this all wrong
I'm trying my best in this song to tell you
What can I do? I'm stuck on you
I'm hoping you feel what I do
'Cause I told Mom about you, I told her
What can I do? I'm stuck on you
And like the night sticks to the moon
Girl, I'm stuck on you
Ooh, ooh, yeah
Look at me, perfectionist
Yeah, I'm a workaholic
I'm on my phone, I feel at home
I don't like rules but make my bed
Floss to keep my teeth perfect
Yeah, it's true, I got issues
So, I'm singing all the words I'm scared to say
So, forgive me if I'm doing this all wrong
I'm trying my best in this song to tell you
What can I do? I'm stuck on you
I'm hoping you feel what I do
'Cause I told Mom about you, I told her
What can I do? I'm stuck on you
And like the night sticks to the moon
Girl, I'm stuck on you
Ooh, ooh, yeah
I'm stuck on you
Then the song end and everyone was clapping and cheering.
Then Dewey got off the stage and he began to hug everyone he see.
Della: Dewey you was amazing out there.
Dewey: Thank mom.
Huey: When did you learn how to sing like that?
Dewey: What you mean, I always sing like that.
Then Webby hugs Dewey.
Webby: Dewey you was incredible out there.
Dewey: Thank Webby. I couldn't do It without people who been supporting me for years, I couldn't do this without you Webby.
Webby: Aw Dewey. That's the most sweetly then anyone have said to me.
Then Webby hugged Dewey again and this time was longer than the last hug.
Gosalyn: You was great out there tonight Dewey.
Dewey: Thank Gosalyn.
Then she also Hugged Dewey too.
Louie: Woah, Dewey is going to be famous.
Huey: It too bad that no one was recording the song Dewey was singing tonight.
Lena: Enough with the talking, let dance.
Then Everyone begins to dance and have a lot of fun but, couple hours later the party end and everyone went home and people who stayed In the mansion are going to bed.
Meanwhile somewhere far away, well not far away then you think, we are going to Miami, Florida where we see a famous person who owned this song business and that person name is Jimmy Stars from Stars recorder.
Jimmy: Hello.
Boy 2: Jimmy I got something that you need to see.
Jimmy: Show me then.
Then the boy show Jimmy the song that Dewey was singing and Dewey was In the video singing.
Jimmy: Who is that boy singing.
Boy 2: That is Dewey Duck from Duckburg sir. This video already got a million likes so far and more.
Jimmy: You said he from Duckburg right?
Boy 2: Yes sir.
Jimmy: Called the airline that I wanted to be on the next flight for Duckburg.
Boy 2: Yes sir.
Meanwhile at McDuck mansion, everyone was already In bed but, Louie is saying good night to Lena on his phone.
Louie: Good night Lena.
Lena: Good night my handsome duck boy.
The end.
What did you guys think of this episode? What's good or what it too long to read?
Anyway, I will work on my other episodes soon, until then I will talk to you guys later then.
Bye guys.

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