Author's Note: A Massive Thank You

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Okay! So the book has ended! What do you guys think about it?

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has stuck around for this book to be finished. It has been a bumpy ride and I'm glad it's over. I did lose interest in it only because I knew it was going no where. Buttt THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR VOTES, READS, AND COMMENTS! Almost 5K! That's amazing ! This has been my biggest accomplishment yet!

I'm sorry that it wasn't as good as it should've been. But I promise, the more I write the better it will be.

I'm think of doing another book! One that WON'T lose my interest as long as people show love for it

And so I need your opinions. If I were to write another book, fanfic or not, would you guys read it?

Comment what your want. Also comment if you want another fanfic or not, what type of book you want as in dirty, sexual, sci-fic, etc and I'll see what I can do!

Thanks AGAIN for giving this boom a chance.

It is now COMPLETED ! ✔

YAY :)

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