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Harry's P.O.V

Two weeks had passed. Two weeks and she's only gotten slightly better. She has began moving, but she never looks my way. It's like I'm invisible.

Eleanor has gained her trust though; maybe I can use that to my advantage.

I never mean to cause harm to people, to act how I do. I can't help it. But I must have her.

I'm a monster but she's a beautiful angel.

Tessa's P.O.V.


That's the first thing I felt as I awoke this morning. It had been more then two weeks since this monstrous person had violated me, killed my boyfriend, and detained me.

I shuddered, brushing away the memory of that day.

My hands gently unwrapped my body from the blankets covering me and I slowly got up. Stretching ever so slightly, I was on full alarm.

Slowly but surely I've been exploring the house, trying to find a way to escape. Thoughts of living here the rest of my life have invaded my head and I just can't fathom that thought.

I had to get out.

There was a knock on my door before Eleanor appeared with a pile of clothes in her arms.

"I thought that some comfy and new clothes would help you adjust and live comfortably." She flashed a guilty smile as she placed the clothes on the bed spread.

Such a sweet girl. Always happy.

"Thank you." I smiled. "But you know I won't be here long. Once the cops find me..."

Her happy demeanor suddenly faded. Her eyes filled with fear and she rushed over to me.

"Cops can't show up here! If they do, everyone will suffer. You must understand; this is our life, our home." She was panicking, gripping my arm tightly, trying to get me to understand.

I whipped my arm away and looked at her, tears forming. "This may be your life, but it is not mine."

And with that I grabbed the pile of clothes and made my way into the bathroom that I recently discovered was attached to my room.

The lock turned and the tub beginning to fill with water, I rested my hands on the sink and stared at my reflection.

My once tan skin was slightly fading, my face thinning out. I was beginning to look sickly, I wasn't eating right simply because of stress and fear.

I sighed, closing my eyes and gripping the counter. My lip was taken in between my teeth, tears forming.

This isn't fair. I wanted my life back: my boyfriend, my comfy bed, the sensation of chocolate melting on my tongue, the feeling of sun on my skin.

A tear slipped down my cheek, my head beginning to pound, my heart breaking. I began to wonder how much more I could take.

I flew my hands up to my face and rubbed it, trying to soothe myself. With my tears stopping I stripped and slowly stepped into the soothing warm water. As my back touched the tub I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to relax.


I tried not to make a sound as I headed into the kitchen. I was hungry and nothing was going to make me starve.

I quietly opened the kitchen door, playing with my hair, and heading to the fridge. Milk was in one hand, the door in my other being closed. I grabbed a glass and quickly poured it full of the white liquid then returned the milk to the fridge.

"Morning." The all too familiar raspy voice spoke from behind me, startling me and making me jump.

I slowly turned around and glanced at him, fear filling my eyes. I didn't bother glancing at his emerald eyes. They would make me cave.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair and slowly approaching me. "You don't have to be afraid of me."

Anger flowed through me and I grabbed my glass, storming past him.

What was wrong with him?


So so sorry for the late update. I had no internet. I won't have any until the 10th but expect a double update on the 11th.

Thank you for all the votes, comments, and reads! Ilysm ! <3

Please read, vote, comment, and follow !!! :) xx

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