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Harry wouldn't leave my side the rest of the day. He was always there. It wasn't like I actually went anywhere. I just stayed tucked under the blankets, facing the wall, drowning in my own tears.

"Do you want to know one of the things I love the most about you?" Josh's voice caressed my ear as we swung on the hammock outside his house, the slight breeze cooling our overheated bodies.

I shading my eyes from the sun as I moved my face, glancing towards him. I pressed my tongue between my teeth as I smiled. "What?"

His gaze fell on me, his light blue eyes burning holes through mine as he stared. "You're laugh."

That caused my cheeks to flare up and a giggle to escape. "Why so?"

He smiled, and his gazed shifted behind me. He took in a deep breath.

"Because. It's so beautiful and lovely, just like spring. Spring's not too hot, not too cold. It's just right." His gaze fell back on me.

As he spoke I had watched his features. How his eye lashes fluttered a bit as his eyes lit up with excitement, how his one dimple appeared very well, how his fingers always played with mine as he spoke.

That moment was perfect. It was like those moments you have, when you and someone are just talking or laughing or working, and you realize how much they mean to you. They could be eating or laughing and you'd just sit there and stare at them, realizing just how much you love them and want them in your life. I realized that I loved him in that moment. Stronger then ever before

"Like you."  He spoke, sweeping me out of my thoughts.

Mine /h.s/ (Unedited af)Where stories live. Discover now