Chapter 7

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Days passed or months I'm not sure time didn't exist here.

Sasuke has gotten better and I've gained some of his trust. He still has days where he flips a mental switch and attacks me claiming I'm trying to go behind his back and I'm plotting against him. Which... yes he is technically right. But then again. Somewhere deep inside of me I feel so sorry for him.

I know I shouldn't but I do. He is so damaged and the person I am.. well the person I tried to bury. Is a caring person one who wants to fix him and help him through the darkness.

I often ponder why he took me and why he does what he does. He does it because he loves so deeply but doesn't know how to love correctly.

It's been so hard for me.. A battle between the mind and heart. I know my goal is to get away but then again do I really want that? He's cared for me and the wounds he's given me... And in his own way it's true love.

I've thought about kakashi and everyone else back at home.. It feels like a faded memory. But one that keeps my hope alive.

Kakashi and I never confessed to each-other. 

But when I think of when sasuke cheated on me and how he was there for me through it all it was more than a teacher student relationship. Maybe I'm digging too far deep in this. But I think he might've liked me and I him.

The way he held me through the pain.. never causing me pain.

He was the light in my darkness.

But now I'm here... And my feelings and agenda have been compromised. Do I love sasuke? Yes... NO! Yes.. NO..

It's a battle.. One I'm not sure how to win.

He's been having his way with me for so long now I might be pregnant? Im not sure anymore..

God help me.. kakashi... Naruto .. Ino... Lady Tsunade...  help me.. give me strength..


Sasuke made an elaborate dinner like he has been although I've not been having an appetite.

He sat across from me and the dinner table granite I had my shackles and my chakra cuffs. The old me would've destroyed the table and the entire ground around me. But he's put so much effort into trying to keep me happy and win my affection I couldn't. Plus I've had these chakra suppressants on for so long I don't know if I could even summon my chakra anymore after this.


"Sakura how do you like the steak I've prepared"? He asked

It's as good as always my love.. I responded..

He smirked cutting into his food before him.

Meanwhile I stared at the plate that was set before me..

I felt like the cow that was slaughtered to become the next meal. It was disgusting..
but I ate...

He hauled me to the bath he prepared and scrubbed every inch of me. Before I would've felt shameful or embarrassed, but now.. Im. Accustomed to the care he's given.

You know Sakura...

"You've not menstruated for the last two months"..

I sat in the Luke warm bath as he washed my long hair.

It finally dawned on me.. I haven't been keeping track of time... like I'm trained to do. I've lost that. How stupid. But I can't remember my last period.. it's been so long..

"I think it's time to take you to get checked.. I have someone who can do it.. but I think you're pregnant !!"


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