Chapter 3

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It must've been really late in the night when I felt something that woke me up out of a dead sleep..

It felt sinister.. and I was immediately on guard. I stood up looking around my dark room. When I heard his voice..

Sa ku ra.....

He said my name dragging it out in a scary voice.

S-sasuke? I still was looking around trying to find where he was.. when I felt a prick in my neck.

I turned around to see sasuke standing there with a needle in his hand.

Before I could attack him I felt my limbs go numb and my vision blur..

Sasuke.. y-you poisoned me? I said barley able to get the words out.

This is what's best for the both of us Sakura..




I waited for her to sleep, I've had this poison since I came back to the village.. I had a feeling Sakura wouldn't accept me right away. And I really didn't want to have to do this.. But she left me no choice. I drugged her and I would take her unconscious body with me till she woke and by the time she woke she would have chakra suppressing cuffs and we would be far in the rain village where I had a hide out that I've been preparing for her..

It was comfortable but hidden deep down in the caves. I made it homely with a nice bed for her and I with everything we would need.

Sakura would be with me no matter what.

I took precautions, and forged a letter to tsunade that said.

Lady Tsunade, I will be leaving the village for a while just sasuke and I.. it pains me to do so but i would like to figure our relationship out. And do what I feel is best for the one I love.

I did it so they would think she left voluntarily. And wouldn't suspect me kidnapping her.


Days passed and we were finally where we needed to be.. I had chained Sakuras feet for extra precautions she was a ninja after all and the chakra cuffs would only help a little. She was strong even without using chakra.

I watched her stir and groan as she began to wake.

Good Morning Love.




I began to wake up and felt my head pounding like no other and my legs and arms still felt so weak.. when I heard his voice.

Hello love..

I peeked my eyes open to see sasuke standing before me, I sat up and tried to muster my chakra to attack him. But I had no chakra. I was fucking drained of it.

I looked down to see the glowing cuffs on my wrist.

Y-you bastard! I screamed. I looked down at my feet and realized they were chained.

Why... why did you do this sasuke!? How could you? I felt myself begin to cry.

Sakura, don't cry.. you and I can be together and once you accept that I'll take off the cuffs and unchain your feet okay?

He kneeled before me putting his cold hand on my cheek trying to caress it.

I flinched away clearly angering him.

SAKURA... he yelled.

DONT PUSH ME AWAY. He began to pace the room back and forth pulling on his long black hair.

You know.. when I was gone all I could think about was you. And how fucking sorry I was for doing what I did. BUT IM A MAN SAKURA OKAY MEN FUCK UP AND I HAD NEEDS! YOU WEREN'T GIVING ME ANYTHING!

I began to cry.. sasuke I've given you everything.. I waited for you for years!! I fought for you so hard.. I tried to be the best girlfriend and sure I didn't sleep with you right away I wanted to wait and I wanted it to be special!!

I felt myself shaking..

He laughed...

Well Sakura it's a little to late now.. but I promise this time I will make it special....

Sasuke I'm not going to fucking sleep with you!

He looked at me giving me the coldest eyes and the most evilest smile.

Oh.. Sakura.. you don't seem to understand the situation you're in..

I could take you right now if I wanted to.. But I'll be kind.. and you'll soon realize how much you love and need me and you'll be giving yourself to me in no time.. all you need is for me to break you.. just a little..

He walked towards me and I scooted myself back into the wall turning my head so I didn't have to face those cruel eyes.

He gripped me by my chin and forced me to look at him.

He crashed his lips against mine painfully.

I struggled against him trying to push him away and it only made him angry. He gripped me by my neck and began to choke me.

I felt tears stinging my eye as I clawed at his arms to try and free myself from his painful grip.

I felt blood rush to my head and I started to feel dizzy like I was on the brink of passing out when he let go.

Now let's try this again Sakura.. this time I won't be so nice.

He leaned in for another kiss and I began to cry..


I flinched as he screamed in my face.

When I felt his fist connect with my face. I began to see stars.

You're so annoying... he muttered as he stood up to walk away.

You will be compliant you will learn to obey fear and love me..

And by the time this is over you will be pregnant with my child and we will be a family we will carry out our days together.. ALWAYS AND FOREVER. Don't act like you didn't dream of having a life with me..

You hear me Sakura.

I looked at him still crying.. unable to speak..

Don't worry love you'll understand why I'm doing this soon enough. My love has no limits. So don't push me and you won't get punished.

He turned the light off and walked out of the room. Leaving me in the dark in pain and in fear..

Kakashi.. please.. help me..

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