Chapter 6

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Sakura & Sasuke

Sakura woke the next day feeling sore from the ropes and arms plus she was uncomfortable because sasuke laid next to her with his arm wrapped around her.

She wanted to laugh, there was a time where she dreamed of moments like this now it was a nightmare. She didn't understand why or how sasuke could do this to her.

You awake? Sasuke asked.

Yeah I'm awake she responded.

He pulled her closer giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Sakura POV

I felt sick his kiss stung far worse than the beating he gave me the other day.

He began to pull me closer trying to turn my head to face him. I complied. I had an agenda and I would do this. I could do this no matter what he does I will get out of this.

Sasuke grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss on the lips running his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I felt like gagging. God please.

I opened my mouth trying to envision Kakashi which helped somewhat so long as I placed my mind so far from here that I could create these delusions.

He snaked his hand under my shirt and squeezed my left breast. I cursed my body for the tingling sensation the carnal side of me enjoyed it. But my mind was so disgusted.

He began to suck on my neck causing me to moan. I felt tears prick my eye and did my best to blink them back I would show him nothing else except a compliant woman who loved him. The weak piece of shit I used to be before. If he takes this from me I'll never get it back. And would need to cleanse myself of him when this was all done. But the only way he would release my chains and suppressants were if I was good and showed him I wouldn't reject him.

He tugged at the waist band of my shorts and pulled them off.

He began to toy with my lower region.

Please God please God I chanted over and over again.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard him unzip his pants I felt the bed shift around me and I kept my eyes closed because I knew what was to come.

A field of flowers is where my mind drifted off to while sasuke had his way with me.

The breeze was cool but the sun was warm. There was no pain here only comfort. The grass moved with the wind and the trees danced..

I watched myself sit alone basking in the sun as if I was having an out of body experience there was a smile on my face. A small one. It was of contentment. I was in my favorite hiding spot on the edge of Konoha the place I used to go to when I had a bad day and needed a break. Alone.

Hours passed or maybe minutes I was unsure. But sasukes voice snapped me from my happy place.

Sakura, how did you feel... you were so wet for me. You're such a good girl. He placed his thumb on my bottom lip.

I looked to the ceiling and could only respond words that would keep him happy.

It was everything and more Sasuke-kun. I spoke barley above a whisper.

I knew what happened and I knew why my mind drifted to my happy place. I've been raped. Robbed of my virginity by my first love, who was no longer someone I loved or wanted.

He sighed with contentment. Laying on his back. As I felt a dull ache between my legs. I smelled blood and knew it was of my own. He took my virginity. Robbed me of what should've been the most wonderful experience of my life.

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