Pause and Breathe

144 15 23


TW: Violence, Mild Gore, Death


I looked down at the compass in my hands, trying to follow the needle as it spun wildly. whoever the entity was, he was down there in the forest. just out of sight.

Steeling myself, I dropped below the canopy, looking around for the red and violet coloring of my enemy. I realized that the forestry was just as thick down here as it was from above. I still couldn't see him. Worse still, if he used his fire, this whole place would go up in smoke. I pushed down the rising panic. I could always fly up now. the leaves were not as sturdy as the wooden ceiling of my library. He wouldn't get the better of me a second time.

The compass was pointing to a nearby tree, so I continued on, glancing nervously up at the treetops above. I didn't like being this close to the ground where anything could jump at me. There were too many shadows. But at least I had the compass. That would tell me where he was.

I tensed as the needle began to waver. The forest ahead seemed to swirl with motion, but I couldn't tell what was happening. It might have been nothing more than a breeze. I was so focused on the compass, try to figure out where I should turn, that I didn't notice the snowball flying in my direction until the device flew out of my hands.

I yelped in surprise, spinning around to the source of the projectile.  

The steve was unfamiliar to me, but I wasn't dumb. Between his icy blue hair and long coat, this was clearly a Winter Steve. A cold smile played across his face, just as he summoned another snowball and threw it right at my face.

"Come on, then!" he yelled, his stupid grin only growing wider.

I wasn't going to stand for this. Cold rage burned in me, turning my eyes an icy blue. This steve had it coming. I started to chase him.

A trail of ice formed under his feet, so he skated instead of ran, making him annoyingly fast. I had to fly to avoid slipping on it, but keep low enough to avoid the branches up above. It was a tricky balance, only made more complicated when two more steves joined him.

They all took turns glancing back to watch my progress, laughing at how much difficulty I had darting around the dense forest. My anger only grew. Through the mess of fragmented thoughts, I wondered why these three were after me. Were they with the entity?

But no. Obviously they were Dream's creations. They must be here to avenge that giant. Fear sent a shiver down my spine. This was Dream's revenge?

The coward.

I sped up, fueled by some instinct I couldn't name. How could my brother send his creations to fight me, instead of facing me himself? Why would these three listen to him? The Winter Steves and giants hated each other. Or had Dream done the impossible and made peace between them?

More snowballs hit me, and I snapped back to the present, narrowing in on the two steves. My ears were ringing, and I couldn't hear their laughter, although it was clear in their glittering eyes. They didn't understand. They were underestimating me. They thought I was weak, just like Dream did. He sent his creations because he thought three measly steves with an armful of snowballs could take me down.

Well, they would soon learn that wasn't the case.

I smacked face-first into a mushroom cap, too distracted in my thoughts to fly properly. Another snowball hit my back, punctuating the amusement of the Winter Steves below. Embarrassment flooded me, and tiny runes sparked from my palms, desperate for someone to curse. But the tiny dots clouding my vision made it hard to see, and anyway, I had to make contact first.

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