Break In

153 19 7

Cycle 8,459 Notes:

Tonic and Turquoise have been busy all week.  Since Tonic returned, he's been cooped up in his medical wing, trying out different potion ingredients.  Apparently, whatever notes Turquoise took on the Violet Steves have been super helpful.  Both of them are now insisting that there's a way for them to help calm Unstable's anxiety.

This has, ironically, put Unstable in a bad mood.  He hardly gets to see Turquoise anymore, and his feelings toward Tonic still appear a little muddled.  I've caught him sulking a few times, only broken out of it when Hypno comes for a visit.

Don't ask me why he's so obsessed with Hypno.  Amber's theory is that it's because they're both pranksters at heart.  I think he might be right.  Hypno's been pulling pranks all over the village lately, although whether it's for Unstable's enjoyment or his own, it's hard to tell.  I'm wondering if it's because he's trying to avoid me.  We haven't seen each other much this week.

It's strange, once he was the only one I could really talk to, and now he won't speak with me at all.  Has something changed now that the new steves are here?  I thought it would still be the same between us.  After all, we've been friends for generations.

I guess some things change, even if the timeline doesn't.


I closed the thick notebook as I finished writing, laying it to one side as I sighed.  I sank back into the couch, feeling tired.  The warmth from the fireplace washed over me, making me sleepy again.

After traveling to the village a few times, only to find that everyone was busy, Amber had decided that we should stay at home for a while.  So, naturally, he was two hundred blocks away, painting something from the top of the mountain.

Soon, I would have to expand his room to fit all the extra art he'd made.  For some reason, I didn't want him storing any in Lime's room, even though it was empty now.  We might need it later, I reasoned.  Amber had been painting a lot more.  I guess without new steves to find and take care of, he needed something to do.  I understood the feeling.  I had lived in these cycles too long to not understand boredom.

The sound of pistons startled me.  I blinked, turning toward the entrance.  Amber was back already?  I knew he was a fast painter, but he usually hung outside for a while.

It wasn't Amber.  Instead, Tonic came in, looking around.

"Wow, I haven't been here in forever."  he realized, taking in the living room.  "It seems... smaller than I remember."

"That's because you're on the top floor."  I pointed out.  "What's up?  Did you need something?  You usually don't come to visit."  I didn't mention how busy he had been recently.  Had he finally found the time to spare?

"I was looking for Amber."  Tonic said, crossing the room.  "Usually, he's two inches in front of me the second I enter.  Is he still asleep?"  His two-colored eyes glanced towards Amber's room.

"No, he's outside."  I explained.  "What did you want Amber for, anyway?"

"I thought he could help me with a project."  Tonic replied, a little evasive.  "I guess I'll just wait here until he comes back.  He won't take long, will he?"

"No..."  I got up slowly, retrieving my notebook and stuffing it back into my inventory.  "Do you want some breakfast?  We've still got plenty of food."

"No need, I already ate."

I sat back down.

"How's the thing with Turquoise going?  You've been pretty busy this week."  I tried to make some small talk, hoping the doctor would open up.

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