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Entry 542:

So... Sabre passed out again.  He muttered something about Origin seeing him, and I could see the panic on his face.  On top of all that, Lime's worried about finding a place for his new friends to stay.

To be honest, I just want them all out of my house.  There's a lot of information in here I don't want them to have.  Sabre finding it was pretty alarming as well, but I don't think he actually took a good look around.  I'll have to move bases.

I guess Lime's alive.  Things could have been worse.  I might have to pester his new friends about The First Curse, though.  They're half Obsidian Steve, after all.  They might have more information.  If only Researcher would hurry up and give me his revisions...


I woke up with a groan, feeling little sparks of electricity running through me.  I recognized the feeling from all the times I had been hit by lightning, but this felt less powerful.  I opened my eyes blearily to see Lime hovering over me, watching me with a small smile on his face.

"It worked!"  he called over his shoulder, letting the sparks in his hands die out.  Carefully, he hoisted me back up onto my feet.  "Are you okay, Sabre?"

"Um... yeah?"  I muttered, getting a hold of my footing.  I looked around at the village, although I clearly remembered teleporting to Hypno's house.  "What the- how long have I been out?"

"Just under half an hour."  Lime announced proudly.  Really?  Just that long?  I already felt so much better.  I guess Tonic's medicine must have worked well after all.

"That's good."  I turned around, looking for his new friends.  "Hey, where are Helio, Slate, and Ivy?"

"Turquoise is helping them calm down."  Lime replied, gesturing to the window of Turquoise's house.  The curtains were drawn open, and Turquoise gave us both a little wave as we met his eyes.  "And Tonic is over at his medical wing.  He's the one who had the idea to get you awake."  Lime grinned, letting the sparks appear in his hands once more.  "I just transferred a bit of energy over to you."  he explained when he caught my confused expression.  "It woke you right up!"

So that was why my energy levels felt alright.

"I totally forgot you can do that."  I admitted, before glancing around one more time.  "Wait a second, where did Hypno go?"

"He's still at his house."  Lime said skeptically.  "At least, that's where he said he was going to be.  I'm never really sure with him."

"Yeah, neither am I."  I admitted.  It was funny, I never seemed to know where he was.  Did he disappear this often in other cycles too, and I just hadn't noticed it until now?

"Oh well."  Lime shrugged.  "Where's Amber?"

"Back at the house."  I admitted.  "Unless he teleported somewhere else.  I left in kind of a rush, so he'll probably have a lot of questions."  I grimaced a little.  "I should go tell him everything's okay."

Was everything okay though?  I stopped dead in my tracks.  Origin had seen me.  He saw me.  That most definitely was not supposed to happen.  I had broken the timeline.

I took a very deep breath, trying to calm down.  Lime laughed a little behind me, mistaking the expression.

"Hey, I can go with you if you want."  he offered.  "I'm going to need Amber's help soon, anyway."  The comment broke me out of my rapidly spiraling thoughts.

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