Chapter 1: Prologue

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   I've never had friends. I was always bullied. It made me self conscious. And I had nowhere to run away from it all. My family life sucked. My mom passed away when I was 2. My dad left me and my older sister after mom died. We lived with my aunt. But my sister died in a car accident. So now it's just me, with my aunt. It's been like this for 16 years. I'm 18 years old now. I go to a terrible school in Omaha Nebraska. The school isn't bad itself, it's just the people there. It's my senior year. But it all started when I was a freshman. I thought high school was gonna be worse than middle or elementary school (which I was bullied through all of), but I was wrong... at first. I was approached by the populars my very first day. And it took off from there. I instantly became popular. I was always afraid to be myself. But now I realize that I can never be myself when the whole school looks up to you an expects you to be perfect. I completely changed my personality, appearance, and everything else. I listen to popular music. I like it, but I have to love it; just like everyone else. I'm not one of those boy-crazy-bimbo populars. I've only had one boyfriend, Anthony. He's a complete moron and he's the most popular guy in school. Perfect match right? Wrong. Thank god he's my ex now. But I hang around dumb jocks, fake friends, cheerleaders, and anyone who falls in the "fake" category. Oh and have I mentioned, that I'm the captain of the cheer team? I hate it. But the dumb blondes who made me popular made me. I'm more of a soccer kinda person. But I have to cheer if I wanna keep this up. I wear expensive clothes and drive expensive cars. I have the look that every guy in school wants: tall brunette. Nobody knows about my past. I never go into detail with my family. But my "friends" know about it.
   I pretty much rule the school. Literally. Every teacher loves me, I'm one of the smartest kids in school, and everyone loves me. Except for me. I'm the only one who knows who I've stepped on or treated like dirt to get here. And I regret what I've done to myself everyday. I used to be a brat when I first became popular. (Although I'm sure that's what people still think of me). But I kinda stopped with that. I just ignore the people who are "below me". I know the people I hang around with are bullies. But I just stand back and watch it happen. I hate myself for that. I never meant for all this to happen. I don't go to all the crazy parties that my friends go to. I'd rather be at home watching Netflix. And I'm so popular that I don't get picked on at school for not wanting to party. Instead people just say "I wish you were there". When in reality, I'd never want to be there.

   I bet you're wondering, who am I?

   I'm Nikki Thompson. Someone you'd say you wish you could be friends with. But you most defiantly don't wanna get too close to me...

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