~*~Chapter Eleven~*~

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We once more got into one of those Bathysphere things, and once me and...Did I call him Vlad? Victor? Alucard?  I shrug it off as we were settled in, I set the controls and we begun heading deeper into the depths. As we descended deeper I could hear the sub creaking under the strain, I worried this thing wasn't built to handle going this deep. All I could do was prey and hope that God was listening.

"What's the Plan with Atlas?" my lover asked, visibly becoming weaker the deeper we went.

"I honestly don't have a bloody clue, I came down here to find a missing girl, not start a bloody revolution." I snapped punching the side of the Bathysphere in frustration. "How did I get into this damned mess?"

"Da, it isn't what we planned however, I would say that it was the right thing to do."

" True...so, what do I call you?" 

" You can call me Victor, given it's what I will be known as for the rest of my days. what about you? are you Sashka Ryan, or Alexander Anderson?" 

" I...I am Alex Swan. I want history to know us as lovers, allies, best friends, hell, even husbands if God's willing. How you feeling, by the way? You look rough as hell, darlin'." 

" I'm flattered you want to be that with me, but also like shit given how deep we are. I lost another 20% just going down this deep, I can feel it. I can feel my power sapping away." 

" Once we get done with this shit, I'm ordering you on bed rest." 

" Oh, like you could boss me around like you're my father." 

" Hey, you call your sire Mother, and you were her fuck toy, I wouldn't be shocked if you called me similar, given how debauched you can be." 

" I...You... Fuck you, shut up." 

I gave a hearty laugh and the Bathysphere docked, we stepped out. Damn this place was in bad shape, barely holding together, there was water dripping from all over the place, leaks, even a handful of dead fish on the floor. There was barely any light and I simply nodded at Victor, we walked out of the dock and into the department store. 

"So where the hell do we start?" I asked looking at the barely lit place.

" I guess we just walk around and hope we find someone with a working brain cell." 

We walk around for a while, noting ammo and pocketing what of it we could find, I was lucky to find a working machine gun. We didn't find anyone, and had killed a few Splicers that showed up. We eventually found a pair still talking, and it seemed like they were cognizant. 

" Excuse me?  Would you pair of lads know Atlas? We just wanna talk is all." 

" Oi, we got a pair of lost ones, eh? You want Atlas?  tell me, why you want to talk to him eh?" 

" We want to bring down Andrew Ryan and rebuild Rapture to the place it could be, and we need Atlas's help to do it." 

" And just who the hell is askin'?" 

" My name is Sashka Ryan, I'm his bastard son, and this is my partner, Victor Swan. We want to bring him down and do what's right for the people of Rapture. If you bring us to Atlas, we can make a bargain to give him back the rights he wants." 

A comms system goes off on the hip of the guy, and we hear a Irish accent pop through. 

" What's goin on up there, lads? you'd be back by now." 

" We got a pair of revolutionaries who wanna talk, boss. Do we bring them in as guests?" 

" Revolutionaries, eh? Walk 'em down.  I'd love to see the pair of faces willing to fight against Ryan's bullshite." 

 I didn't like this, but we did as told, walking with the pair to Atlas' base. We were taken to Fontaine's office inside the department store. Standing guard over it were a handful of thugs, not soldiers. This was no military operation, but we were beggars here so we couldn't be picky.

"So you lads want to fight Ryan, how exactly do you plan to do that with us sunk down here?" Atlas asked looking us over.

"We may have a way to bring this place back up to the main city," Victor spoke, looking Atlas over no doubt assessing his strength.

"You lad, you say you are Ryan's bastard? Are you sure about that sonny?" Atlas currently held a revolver in his hand, spinning the chamber no doubt in an attempt to intimidate us.

"I am, although it's a fact I wish I hadn't learned. The man's a scum bag."

"Aye that he is, but if you want my help then you are gonna have to help me secure my Ace. Speak to Souchong, get him to give the Ace then we can talk about starting a revolution."

"We don't need some unknown weapon, we just need you and your men." Victor growled, a hint of anger in his voice.

"You may want that, but I need to know if I can trust you. Secure me Ace then I'll consider that a sign of trust, only then will me and my boys consider working with you." 

" Listen, you fucking jackass, We don't need fucking trust, we need soldiers, and if you aren't willing to give me any, then I'll just leave you here to fucking rot! The fact we even came here should be a sign of good fucking faith, ya Irish cunt!" 

Atlas looked pissed, but I knew If I let go of Victor's wrist, he'd outright kill all of them. He was tired, hungry, and cranky given his powers were slipping from him. I could tell his fangs were out, those muddy eyes were getting greener by the minute, and it did little to help us. 

" You best keep your dog on a leash, mate. He'll get ya killed with a maw like that." 

That it. I had enough. " Victor, eat their hearts out. Leave Atlas alive." 

" With pleasure, my love~" 

His voice held that primordial growl, what of his powers he had were on full display, and in minutes, Victor had them all wounded, begging for death, with Atlas on his knees at my feet, fear caked in those eyes...eyes I knew bloody too well. 

"Wh...what the fuck is he?" Atlas spoke, but the Irish accent was gone, instead he had a heavy American one. "I ain't seen no monsters like him down here."

" That, Fontaine, is my vampire boyfriend, who if you don't fucking help me, will gladly eat your for how you fucked up my youth, got it?" 

"Boyo I don't even know who the fuck you are." 

"Does the name Alexander Anderson right any bells for ya, boyo? I know a mask when I see one, and I'm Scottish, lad, your accent for the Irish is a bloody insult. I know you remember me, damn it all."

His eyes went wide, and a knowing grin hit his face, before losing again to the pain he felt from how tight Victor was holding his arm and hair.

" Oh yeah, I do, you look a lot bulkier then I remember ya bein'. Now, what the hell do you want?" 

" Compliance or I have my boyfriend eat you. Deal?" 

"I've made enough deals to know when I'm getting the raw end of it." He hissed angrily, his voice horse with fear.

"Either you help us, or my friend here eats you and we get your people on our side through other means."

"Fine, fine you win. But we are still trapped down here." 

"We will handle that," Victor cut in, dropping him hard to the floor. "You just get your men ready for a war."

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