Oh, Ella... You Invaded My Mind Again

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Oh, Ella... You invaded my mind again,
With your beauty, that's fair, and your smile, so sweet.
But with your return, the pain takes hold,
Throbbing within my chest, a dagger in my heart.

Your presence, a poison poured into my soul,
Leaving me yearning for a love once whole.
I long for the days when we were together,
But alas, it remains a distant wish, forever.

As the music fades and silence fills the air,
My life, too, seems to have come to a halt.
Yet even after my death, my heart continues to ache,
A reminder of the love that was once mine to take.

Oh, Ella... Why do you haunt me so,
Leaving me with wounds that refuse to heal?
In the depths of my despair, I question why,
Why, in death, your hold on my heart won't die.

But as I navigate this endless sea of pain,
I find solace in the memories we once shared.
Though your presence lingers, tormenting my soul,
I'll learn to let go and find peace in the unknown.

So, Ella, my lost love, I bid you farewell,
Release me from the chains that bind me tight.
For in the depths of my heart, I must find strength,
To carry on, even as my love for you takes flight.

Oh, Ella... You invaded my mind again,
But now I'll break free from your haunting gaze.
I'll seek the light where love can truly reside,
And let go of the pain, as my heart slowly mends.

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