My Beautiful Love

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Oh, she is so beautiful, my love divine
Her smile, a flower basking in the rain
Each petal glistening, with love entwined
As she dances, in nature's sweet refrain

Her lips formed a perfect, rosy bow
A sight that leaves my heart forever smitten
Her laughter, a symphony's crescendo
In my soul, which was made for her, forever is written.

Her eyes, like pools of liquid amber
Reflecting the depth of her pure soul
In her embrace, I am but a humble member
Lost in her beauty, I am made whole

Her smile, a symbol of love's purest grace
A flower blooming in the midst of pain
In her arms, I find my sacred place
With her, my heart will forever remain

Oh, how complex and wondrous is this love
That binds us in a poetic, endless dance
With each passing moment, it grows above
A love that will forever have a chance

And in this sonnet, I pour out my heart
She is my muse, my guiding light
With each word, I hope to paint a part
Of our love, in this scenic, picturesque sight

With alliteration, I sing her name
And with each verse, my passion does ignite
For she is my love, my everything, my flame
In her arms, I have found my true delight

So let the rain fall, let the flowers bloom
For in her smile, my world is complete
In this love, there is no room for gloom
For she is my love, my heart's sweet beat.

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