I Hope To Find Your Love in Many Lifetimes.

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In countless realms, across the sands of time,
I hope to find your love, forever intertwined.
With each passing life, our souls entwined,
The same glances, the same smiles—so divine.

Through the cycles of existence, we'll dance in harmony,
A cosmic connection, defying all boundaries.
In every rebirth, our love shall be the guide,
The same sound of your laughter, my eternal pride.

Through the eons, our bond will never fade,
A love story written about the destinies we've made.
With each new beginning, our hearts will ignite,
In this grand tapestry, forever shining bright.

No matter the form we take or worlds we explore,
Our love will endure, forevermore.
In this vast universe, our souls shall align,
I hope to find your love in many lifetimes.

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