I'm Thinking of You

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I'm thinking of you,
My mind's bleeding through.
Cut and half dead,
But the pieces of me, they spread.
Half alive, they roam,
In every corner of my home.
Love, a dark force, it seems,
But in you, it gleams.

My thoughts—they're a mess,
But you, my heart, confess.
Torn and broken,
But in your love, I'm awoken.
My mind may be in pain,
But you, my love, remain.
Through the chaos and strife,
In you, I've found life.

You're the light in my darkness,
The calm in my madness.
My heart may have bled,
But in your love, I am fed.
With every beat, I feel,
A love that is real.
So I'll keep thinking of you,
In the broken pieces, you shine through.

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