My Dream has Always Been and Always Will Be You

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My dream has always been and always will be you,
An ethereal whisper, a love that's tried and true.
In the vast expanse of my restless mind,
Your presence lingers—an eternal bind.

You are the sun that lights up my day,
Guiding my steps as I find my own way.
With every beat of my heart, you're the rhythm,
Melting my fears, filling me with enthusiasm.

In the depths of my dreams, you're a sparkling star,
Leading me on, no matter how far.
Through the darkest nights, you remain my guide,
A beacon of hope, forever by my side.

My dream has always been and always will be you,
A love that's infinite, pure, and true.
No boundaries can contain this love so fine,
For in my heart, you'll forever shine.

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