When I Gaze Into Your Beautiful Eyes

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When I gaze into your beautiful eyes,
I behold a universe brimming with all my heart's desires,
An eternal enchantment that shall forever remain unaltered.

In those twin pools of grace and wonder,
I find solace, a haven for my weary soul,
Where dreams dance freely, unburdened by time's toll.

Each iris holds a story, untold and untamed,
A symphony of colors, emotions unnamed,
In your eyes, I see a world uncharted, unframed.

Like galaxies swirling, entwined in a cosmic embrace,
Stars ignite, shimmering with celestial grace,
And within their celestial depths, I find my place.

Your eyes, a portal to a realm unknown,
Where love's language is whispered, in hushed tones,
Where passion ignites, like embers softly blown.

In this boundless expanse, desires intertwine,
A drapery of love, woven with threads divine,
In your eyes, the universe is truly mine.

So, let me drown in this cosmic affair,
Lost in the vastness of your gaze, unaware,
In your eyes, eternity's secrets I share.

When I gaze into your beautiful eyes,
A universe unfolds, where love never dies,
And forevermore, my heart shall reside.

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