Chapter 11

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I wake up wrapped in Eli's arms the sun is streaming through the window I sigh contentedly I turn my head to look at my beautiful mate only he's staring at me with a huge grin on his face. "Good morning Mia Amata" he kisses my forehead "good morning" I flush how can someone look so good when they've just woke up I think to myself "you look good too Cara Mia especially with my mark on your neck" he says I cover my face "how the hell did you know I was thinking about you" he moves my hands from my face "when I marked you last night we made a personal mind link through the mate bond I'll be able to sense if you're in danger now and I finally know exactly how I affect you" he looks at my lips, I kiss him before he has the chance.

Eli picks me up and takes us to the shower he lets me down turning the water on and he pushes me against the white tile it's cold. He starts placing kisses on my jaw and neck till he lands on my mark he inhales deeply and kisses me it sends tingles all the way through my body. I turn so I'm facing the water getting my hair and body wet for washing,Eli gets my apple shampoo and squirts some into the palm of his hand which is when he starts to massage my scalp with his fingers "mmm" I hum "you like that" he whispers in my ear "no one's washed my hair for me since I was a child, but this feels way more intimate" I blush. I help him wash the suds out my hair then he repeats the process with conditioner he's about to put straight on my scalp when I shout "Noo only put conditioner on the ends please my hair is frizzy as it is and it will go greasy faster" Eli does as I ask applying the conditioner to the ends of my hair. Eli is so sweet I honestly don't know how I'll ever get enough of him I look up at him and realise I still have not cut off my thoughts from him "sorry" I mutter he's smirking and leans close to my ear "I love you and I love hearing what you think of me" he coos I cut them off from him and stick my tongue out he laughs "I love that sound" I say and kiss the tip of his nose. We finish our shower and get dressed.

Today I'm actually wearing my own clothes go figure! I decide on a pair of jeans and top after all I am meeting Eli's parents today. Eli comes out in black slacks and black dress shirt the sleeves rolled up to his elbows his two top buttons undone I growl at him his eyes dart to mine as he growls back. "I can't tell what you're thinking" he says "but I do know how I affect you" he steps towards me I step back "don't move katie" he orders "I'll run" I giggle he takes another step towards me and I step back again "I said don't move" he growls and it hits deep in my tummy I stay where I am even though I'm dying to disobey him. Eli closes the space between us he leans down grabs me the waist and says "see you're a good girl". A hand splayed across my back stopping my movement  I can't move not that I'd want too, I feel the heat rising in my chest as my breathing gets heavier he knows what he's doing and he hasn't even done anything yet. "Your breathing changes" he kisses my neck "you heart rate speeds up" kissing under my ear lobe "and you're squeezing your thighs together" I gasp I didn't realise it but he's right am I that easy to read? "We smell the same now" I chew my bottom lip to hide my smile, Eli sniffs my neck "we do and it's great because everyone will now know you're mine" he tells me "like they didn't know already" I giggle.

We get to the bottom of the stair case and everyone's gathered around in the foyer. Eli takes my hand and guides us to the front of the crowd Felix, Luna and Kyle are already there exchanging hugs with the former alpha and Luna "son" mr Whitlock's voice rings out he shakes Eli's hand and gives him a hug he looks down at me I understand where his sons get their height from "and who's this" he outstretches his hand toward me "this is Katie harper, my mate" Eli tells his father proudly and I shake his hand, his mother engulfs me in a hug "I'm so happy to finally meet you" I hug her back "it's lovely to meet you too" I tell them "that's Carson and I'm Evelyn" she tells me "we've heard a lot about you young lady" Carson says I blush and squeeze Eli's hand "all good things I hope" I say "always good things darling" dad says from behind me I spin and hug him "dad,I've missed you" I say and he sniffs near me he looks at me then Eli he nods his head and dad hugs me again and whispers "you good darling" "dad I'm great so happy" I tell him he gives me another squeeze and stands beside me "Carson, Evelyn did you have a good vacation?" Dad asks Carson smacks dad on his shoulder and they continue to talk my tummy rumbles Eli takes my hand and heads towards the dining room "come love you're hungry" I follow "your mum is lovely" I tell him "she's not stopped talking about you since I told her I found you" he laughs. We get breakfast pancakes and bacon yummy! I feel a knocking in my mind I open the pack link to see who it is I didn't need voice confirmation Luna is screaming "omg omg weirdo you did it" Jesus L "yes we did and it was amazing Luna I feel so at peace now I found my other half" I smile she looks over to me from her seat and winks at me, like could you be anymore obvious. I feel Eli's fingers graze the back of my neck as he moves my hair from my right shoulder to my left so everyone can see my mark I look at him and open our link "I know what you're doing mr" I think "you mean showing everyone you're mine" he links back well I guess the cats out of the bag now.

FATEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora