Chapter 5

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I smell Luna outside my door "come in weirdo" I shout from the wardrobe as I put my clothes away. "You know you don't have to shout right" she laughs "oh yeah, that's going to take some getting used too" I chuckle L sits on my bed making herself at home just like she would do in my room. "So what did you think about that Lindsay girl" I say, me and L share a look and burst out laughing "she's always been a bitch Katie, she's also had her eye on your mate for quite some time" she states, I growl "sorry L I don't know why I keep doing that" I sit on the bed "it's fine weirdo, bound to happen you've found your mate and accepted him the jealousy and possessiveness will calm down once you've marked and mated" I stare at Luna "mated? L you know I'm a virgin".

I've read most of the hefty book now, me and Luna have been sat on my bed she watching telly whilst I read and take notes. "Won't Felix be looking for you" I set my pen down "he knows I'm with you plus he's in a meeting with the alpha and your dad." " wait my dads here?" I didn't know he'd be here. "Yes, he's the Gamma Katie he's here more often than not, probs more now that you're a wolf" L quips "have you accepted Felix?" I change subject "of course I have weirdo he's my mate also, I'm one floor down you however have the privilege of rooming right next to the alpha" she winks I throw a pillow at her "how do you know Eli is next door" I ask "the top floor is the alpha wing, I was only allowed up here because of you" she says "oh" I mutter I'm right next to his room "what if I have a night terror" I mutter again in all the excitement today I totally forgot about them. "I'm one floor down, plus Eli would hear you if you scream" she says "he doesn't know" I murmur.

"Come on" Luna grunts as she gets off my bed "where are we going?" I stand up put Eli's jacket on and follow L down the stairs. I smell the food "mmm that smells yummy" Reyna sighs "I agree" I think back to her as my tummy growls. We walk into the dining area and everyone turns their heads looking at me and L I don't like people staring however I also don't back down, I spot Eli at the head of the table he smiled brightly and nodded his head for me to come over I sit on his right hand side at the only available chair he leans down and whispers "my clothes look good on you love" I grin in approval he's not wrong they are miles too big but I'm not complaining. We ate steak mash potato's and veg and my god it was delicious I must thank the cook! "Eli that was delicious, who cooked it I must thank them" I tell him and he smiles "I'll tell Greta she'll be most pleased you enjoyed it" I feel someone staring at me I look down the big mahogany table and that Lindsay girl is staring daggers at me "if looks could kill" I thought "we'd give her a run for her money" Reyna growls not approving of the she wolfs stares.

I'm in my room finishing off my notes from the book my dad gave me I hear a knock on my door, I answer it and Eli stands before me no shirt just joggers that hang low on his hips I couldn't help but stare I feel my cheeks flame he's a literal god. "Erm" he scratches the back of his head I want to run my fingers through his hair "want to go for a run before bed" he asks snapping me out my reverie "that actually sounds great, I'd love too" I reply. We head to the woods "you will have to strip so you don't shred your clothes" he says "okay" I must be at least fifty shades of red by now he notices and turns around I head behind a tree take my clothes off and put them on a low hanging branch and I shift. Trotting out from behind the tree I sit down in front of Eli "you're gorgeous" he says I move closer to him rubbing my head on his legs he pats my head "look you have a black patch of fur on your leg" I look that's odd I've seen it before but never thought much about it. "Wait here" he says about a minute later his huge black wolf walks out from behind the tree and circles me he's a lot bigger than me I should be intimidated but I'm not. He still circles me I notice the red patch on his leg and nudge it with my snout he nods and licks my snout I lick him back and then I run.

We are zipping through the trees I had a head start but he soon catches up to me. "Let me take over" Reyna says and I let her I feel power course through my body our paws thudding on the ground I'm much faster now catching up too Eli was easier than expected I tackle him we roll around in the mud nipping and barking. We come to a clearing it's dotted with wild flowers a stream behind them the moon glistens on the water I look up and howl. "I feel so free" I tell Reyna "me too" she howls again. I get back to the trees Shift and put my clothes on Eli is waiting for me when I come out "that was amazing!" I say to him as I walk to his side "it was you have quite a big wolf for a gammas daughter though" he snakes his arm around my waist I feel the tingle flow through my body it's magnetic "do you not like my wolf" I sigh Reyna whimpers in my head "no that's not what I meant you're beautiful and we are made for each other you have a black patch of fur and I have a red patch, I always wondered why I had it and now I know" we walk hand in hand into the pack house and upstairs to the alphas wing we stand outside my door "I guess this is good night" I say disheartened he looks down his big hand cups my cheek he pulls me close I inhale his scent and bask in his warmth I wish I could stay with him. He kisses the top of my head and let's me go "good night my beautiful mate, until morning" and he goes to his room "wait" I say he stops and turns around "what's wrong" I walk towards him not stopping till I'm directly in front of him I wrap my arms around his torso he hugs me back "thank you for today Eli, goodnight" I turn around go to my door and don't look back.

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