Chapter 3

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"Hello Katie I am Reyna your wolf"my what ? I can see her now sat in front of me she's beautiful red fur she's quite big with what looks like a black patch on her leg."we are going to merge now we are one it will only hurt for a minute then we can run!" She jumps playfully. Static everything is silent and then it's like someone's turned the volume up by 100 I whimper Luna turns to me and smiles she pats my head "you're wonderful Katie , it might be a little loud but you have to focus that out your senses are heightened go run I'll be here when you get back "lets go already" Reyna demands "okay bossy is this what's it's gonna be like now you ordering me around?" I snap "Katie we are two sides of the same coin, we are in this together" she pouts "okay let's go" I say. I'm running through the trees I feel the breeze in my fur my paws in the dirt , I feel amazing , strong and strangely free "Reyna, this is amazing I feel so free!" "Me too finally we are fully connected I've hated only getting bits and pieces throughout the years" "so it was you!""of course I've always been here for you" Reyna says. We head back through the trees then I hear a howl and actual howl  "wow Reyna that was majestic" "that wasn't me" I reach the clearing a huge black wolf is stood in front of Luna haha he has a red patch on his leg cute "MATE" Reyna howls in my head "what's that mean" he starts to change Eli stands before me naked? "Shift" he says softly but full of authority I find it almost impossible not to obey he hands me a jacket now in shorts and a T-shirt I shift and wrap the jacket around my now naked body I feel my cheeks flame. "Katie" Eli stands before me now in all his glory his voice warm like velvet I love the way he says my name "mate" Reyna howls again he smells amazing like raspberries and mint toothpaste. "Yes Eli" my voice sounds scratchy like I haven't spoken in days "how do you feel?" "Amazing" I beam "Eli what's a mate?".

Me, Luna, Eli , Luke , Felix and Kyle are now all sat in an unfinished bedroom in the cabin no one is talking or looking at each other so I decide to speak first "so is anyone going to explain what the hell just happened?" I ask no one in particular the silence is deafening. "I want Eli and Fenrir" Reyna pouts "Fenrir?" I question "Eli's wolf he's calling to me" shes restless now. "Katie we are werewolves" Luna fills the silence "well I kinda gathered that" I laugh. Eli takes a step towards me electricity fills the air I'm like Icarus flying too close to the sun I step forward my hand outstretched this time he claps my hand in his it's not like a firework this time not as intense it's more warm now like butterflies raging in my tummy he smells amazing "a mate is the other half of your soul , your soulmate" he says "and your mine" I look into his eyes and I understand right here right now, I've never felt more at peace more at home. So I'm a werewolf omg what am I going to tell my dad "Luna what am I going to tell my dad?" Everyone laughs Eli holds me tighter "what's so funny, I'm being serious" "your dad is a werewolf love" Eli whispers "oh" I say "why didn't he tell me?" "I'm sure he will  want to talk to you but from what I know your mother, she's human we wasn't even sure you carried the gene we all first transitioned at 16" he rubs small circles on my hand with his thumb. "I'm tired" Reyna yawns I look up to Eli he just nods "she's tired, we need to head back" we all go downstairs Eli is talking to his brothers and Luke, Luna comes to me "omg I can't believe we both found our mates on the same night on your birthday no less" she squeals "Felix?" I question "yes isn't he dreamy" she looks over at him I cannot deny he's gorgeous but then I look to Eli on his right and I feel my cheeks flame he's stunning his eyes glow in the dim light on the porch his black hair sits perfectly on his head , I just loved how my hand fit in his the tingles I felt safe , protected and loved? "I think I'm in love" Reyna whispers "with Eli already we barely know him" I scoff "Fenrir stupid, we are linked now we can talk sort of. When we mate the mate bond will be complete then you can mind link Eli too" she says matter of factly. "We will not be mating for a while thank you" I tell her she growls at me.

We decide to all go to my house to talk I jump out the car and Eli is at my side in a flash I flush. I know I only met him a couple of hours ago but that car ride back to my house was awful me and Luna both sat in the back of Luke's car and we didn't even speak we was both in our heads I was thinking about Eli I presume she was thinking of Felix too. Dad opens the door before we even get there, "Alpha" he bows his head to Eli ,"Ashton" he shakes my dads hand "wait alpha? You're the leader?" I look up at Eli he looks at me right in the eyes "yes, I'm the alpha the leader of this pack and you're my Luna" he winks at me I know I'm blushing right now dammit! Everyone sits in the living room and me and dad are in the kitchen making coffee "darling I'm so glad you're okay" he hugs me "of course I'm okay, all my life you've prepared me for whatever life bombarded me with" I laugh "granted I didn't think it would be of the supernatural variety". "Yes I know, I couldn't tell you until I was sure it's law."he sighs "Im just glad you wasn't alone" we take everyone's drinks into the living room and I sit next Eli and pass him his cup. We talk for what seems like forever I learn my dad is the Gamma of the pack I'm the gamma's daughter , Eli is the alpha and Felix is the beta but I'm also Eli's mate and Luna. I don't remember much else I must have fallen asleep because I wake up in bed still in Eli's jacket. "Too loud" I groan I could hear everything the trees swaying, the wind whistling and voices? I tried harder to listen but I couldn't make it out. "dial it out silly" Reyna yawned sleepily I do just that draping Eli's jacket on my chair and head for a shower.

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