Chapter 2

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My alarm startles me awake, my pjs are stuck to me,sweat drips off my body the cool morning air breeze coming through the wide open window? It sends a shiver down my spine I never leave my window open I shrug it off and get ready for the day I am finally 18 I wear my white air Jordan's a black skirt and a white wool jumper, my hair cascades down my back in loose waves a natural makeup look it is! The phone rings I pick it up wondering if it's my mother, nope it's the one and only Luna "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" she screams nearly bursting my ear drum "Jesus not so loud I haven't even had my coffee yet" I giggle "I'm finally 18 I can't believe it" "it's about time isn't it kid" I can tell she's smirking "Luna you are exactly one month older than me to date, you can't call me kid" I pout "oh stop pouting I'll see you at school I love you" she hangs up and I head downstairs my dad is sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast yes! Bacon and eggs solid birthday breakfast if I do say so myself what a great day already. I grab my cup pour some coffee and sit down and dig in mmm my dad is such a good cook he actually taught me everything I know you know since mother isn't around don't dwell on the past! My inner voice scolds she's right of course you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves. "Happy birthday darling, I know you're going out tonight so I'm going to give you your present now" he hands me a small wrapped box I unwrap and open the box there is a golden chain with what looks like a pendant attached "it's a locket Katie" he says as if he's just heard my thoughts I blink at him it's beautiful the outside is engraved with a wildflower "this has been passed down from your great grand mother to the eldest daughters of our family as you know I'm an only child and male so grandmother gave me this when you was born to give to you on your eighteenth birthday" tears prick my eyes I'm overwhelmed with emotion "open it" he prompts. I do just that and there is two pictures on the left hand side is a picture of dad holding me as a baby and the right is what looks like a large brown dog? No wolf dumbass my inner voice goads well it is kind of blurry. "I love it dad thank you so much, who's is the dog?" I say as I walk walk around the the table to give him a giant hug "seems like a large dog don't you think darling?" He mumbles told you she chides again "so it's a wolf?" Im staring at him now wondering why he would put a photo of a wolf in my this locket, he looks back at me "how do you feel Katie?" "Fine why?" Im confused he seems tense now worried almost "is everything okay?" "Yes darling and be careful tonight please and call me if you need to okay?" "Of course dad Luna and Luke will be there I'll be fine don't worry" I tell him and for once I'm going to be early for school.

I pull into Redwood High's car park and my stomach drops I'm sweating, panting even omg! I'm having a heart attack I'm actually going to die in my 18th birthday what a joke. Calm down Katie, breathe in an out , in and out .It thunders through my brain but I listen in and out, my breathing steadies and then there's a tap on my window I jump to see Luna balloons in hand a cheesy grin plastered on her face. I smile turn off the ignition undo my seatbelt and hop out Luna basically starts to suffocate me with her hugs, balloons and bag I step back "you look gorgeous weirdo, I love the fit happy birthday" she hands me the bag and balloons she's more excited than me and that people is why I love her she always makes me laugh and she's one of the only people I can count on. "Open it then" she insists I do, acrylic paints and new paintbrushes! That little devil "you didn't" "I did" she retorts haha my turn i pull her towards my suffocating embrace, I love to paint I have been looking at these paints for some time now but thought they were a bit expensive. We are laughing now I swear she knows me better than I know myself sometimes "thank you I can't wait to try these out, Luna you goddess" I beam she smiles as we walk into school "so how do you feel, ready for the party tonight?" She asks "why is everyone asking me that today! I feel fine" I snap "woah I'm only asking weirdo" she says stunned I look at her guilt already seeping into my bones "Im sorry L I don't know what came over me" suddenly embarrassed I feel cheeks flame never ever do I snap like that and especially not with Luna "it's okay weirdo, I still love you" she looks at me apologetically like she knows what I am going through and we go to class. The day flies by me and L are getting ready at her place it's lavish really, baby blue walls pictures of us throughout the years littered across them, her double bed with white sheets about a thousand pillows and now dresses as we decide what to wear. I go with a little black dress and heels, my locket and a pair of dangly earrings I borrowed off L. My hair is straight now it reaches my bum I must remember not to sit on it. L looks stunning in her red mini dress her hair is in an up-do that I'll never be able to master with a Smokey eye and nude lipstick. I have gone with a gold shimmer on my eyes keeping the face light with some pink gloss, we look in the mirror "we look like Yin and Yang" I burst out laughing "well we are like twins" she nudges me I laugh we look hot my inner voice rings in my head "we you mean me?" Shit did I just say that out loud? "Huh?" L looks up from her phone "nothing, let's go" I shake my head maybe I am having a breakdown "shit L we haven't even got a DD" I pout. I pick up my red clutch put my phone and keys inside, Luna picks up her black one and does the same I burst out laughing she looks at me and I hold up my clutch purse she looks at hers and smiles "okay, yeah deffo Yin and Yang and don't worry Luke's our DD" whew panic over.

We get to the party and I notice it from the backseat of the car Blackwood Cabin all lit up buzzing with people. Our  town of Redwood is pretty small a tight knit community everyone knows everyone and I am pretty sure our whole year is here "L how many people did you invite?" I pale I hate, hate big audiences especially if they all know it's my birthday I'll have a panic attack Luna knows this! Calm down Katie there it is again that voice it's official I'm going crazy "KATIE" Luna snaps her fingers in my face she looks at Luke they share a knowing look "you okay?" She says with sympathy "what's going on?" I stare at them we all made a vow when we was 9 years old never to lie to each other after we caught my mother in her web of lies. Luke pipes up first "where's your dad tonight Katie?" " I think he's working, finishing some paperwork" I stammer "so he's still at school?" L chimes in "he might be home now I don't know, what's going on?" I raise my voice L raised her eyebrows and looks at Luke I know what's happening she taunts "okay I think I'm going crazy!" I shriek they look at me nodding prompting me to continue "I keep hearing a voice in my head at first I thought normal inner monologue but, it's got a mind of its own I am crazy aren't l?" They just burst out laughing I frown this is not funny it's my birthday and I'm going crazy. "You are not crazy, a weirdo yes but not crazy" L rubs my shoulder "no one knows it's your birthday just us, we just said it's a party don't worry." Luke says " anyway let's go Im meeting some buddies from college in there" me and L get out the car , whilst Luke finds somewhere to park the cold air whips my skin and goosebumps raise on my arms I look up to the night sky, stars shimmering overhead I notice the full moon nearly at her apex it's so beautiful and peaceful here besides the heavy music coming from inside and right then I know what I'm going to paint next. L links arms with me and drags me to the drinks table she pours two shots and I grab two beers, we down the shots and she screams "HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEIRDO" "shhh not so loud" I cover my mouth scanning the room hoping no one heard her "no one's looking we are fine" she says I turn and face her dumbfounded "how did you hear me?" "How did you hear me?" She retorts smiling "I dunno" I relent "it's fine, we are fine enjoy your birthday Katie. Stay close to me and tell me of you feel weird okay!" She holds eye contact "promise" I say and drink some beer. We were walking around the cabin when our favourite song came on 'Animals' by Maroon 5 an old song I know but still an absolute tune! L drags me to the makeshift dance floor in the living room and we start to sing and dance. I notice Luke sat on the couch with three boys chatting away, they looked taller than Luke more muscular radiating authority and they are sat down! Luke makes eye contact and nods across the room the other three look up and stare at me and L I can see their faces now they all looked similar brothers maybe? Definitely it says, I agree Luna starts pulling me over towards them suddenly , I want to be over there too. Wow they look like Greek gods Im surprised my mouth hasn't popped open but the one sat next to Luke them steely grey eyes I feel them peering into my soul I , suddenly feel hot L squeezes my arm I stop staring at mr grey eyes and look at Luke who coughs and says "Luna, Katie this is Eli , Felix and Kyle" Eli , Eli I like the way that sounds mmm I agree Katie go away I shout into my mind no I will never , we are one! What the fuck does that mean?

Eli stands and outstretches his hand toward me he's at leat 6'2 I look up he's looking down into my eyes I place my hand in his and it's like a firework has just blown up in my hand I pull my hand away and step back, he steps forward I step back. You know I'm starting to feel really hot I need to get the fuck out of here I look over to L who's now in Eli's seat holding Felix's hand staring into his eyes I pray she'll hear me like before I stare at her and say in a hushed tone "Luna I need to get out of here now, I feel really weird" everyone on the couch looks up at me at the the same time weird. L nods whispers something to Felix then comes over to me and grabs my hand Eli is just stood there staring at me and I just want to crawl out my skin my bones are aching it's time what does that mean? Me and L get outside into the trees for some air it's cold out here but I am boiling "L I feel like I'm burning up" I choke and then a shooting pain down my leg I drop to the floor with a scream I swear my leg just snapped "L WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" I scream "calm down Katie I'm ringing your dad just breathe through it don't try to stop the pain embrace it okay " "Katie listen to the voice in your head" I scream again my other leg "Im sorry mr harper" I hear L say "you won't make it she's already transitioning. Don't worry Ashton we've got her we have always got her" everything muffles I can hear my blood pumping , heart racing and then...

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