Arc 3 chapter 16: reach for the stars

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They approach the location and with Subaru's magnified vision he spots two people.
Subaru was of course visibly disturbed.
Shall we start with a 13-y.o. child?

The child did not possess a gate. Everything about him was mostly centered around his tongue. The boy had regular amounts of mana in his body but on his tongue it was the most densely concentrated.

But the most perplexing fact is not only did the boy have two sources of cursed energy, which is unnatural in itself. But the fact that he had more energy in his tongue than in the stomach the centre of all cursed energy.

His clothing was bizarre as well as his physical stature, being both physically strong and sickly looking at the same time. Two blades wrapped around his arms and a long disheveled hair that was bloody and muddy on its tips.

He also possessed that difficult to see hue on his tongue, he saw in Petelguse




But nothing can compare to the man next to him. If the man didn't have yellow eyes, black and yellow ornaments on his clothes and blue earrings he would be all white. He had a pretty serious body abnormality.

Up until now the inner world of all people of Lugunica in majority could be described with three aspects that everybody possessed. Gates, mana and cursed energy.

Since Subaru unlike in his old world no longer possessed the ability to see like a normal person, by closing his one six eye he was subjected to always having to intrude upon everyone's inner world.

Subaru learned through his life that much like faces, hair and fingertips everyone had distinct colour, shape and intensity in cursed energy that made them unique.

Of course the skill Subaru picked up: reading emotions was accomplished by noticing the changes in patterns and quantity.

Even tho every energy is different they always had the general pattern when invoking that particular negative emotion, which Subaru was always mindful of.

Satoru Gojo was an example of a person impossible to read. His cursed energy always had the smooth almost reflective properties as if it were a surface tension of an unbroken large area of water. Anything other than the dull colour of extreme loneliness simply did not transmit as an emotion.

On the other hand people who were only a bit easier to read, were the people who accomplished black flash while categorising as a special grade.

Their cursed energy gave the impression of vague ripples compared to Satoru's frictionless surface. You needed to focus hard and even if you did you could only speculate what that information means.

Special grade sorcerers without achieving Black flash had a bit more defined intention but it was still well disguised.

Grade 1 sorcerers compared to the inhuman beasts above them still had some patterns of human recognisability... Which they could hide if they tried hard enough.

That's why Subaru never had a problem speaking to a non sorcerer. He was a human lie detector, that could read even the smallest changes in mood.

But in every case even for Satoru one rule was for certain...

And that is:

Cursed energy constantly shifted. There was always something moving, no matter how skilled you were. Everyone except that Zenin assassin in his old reality who had no cursed energy...



And this definition of colour white.

But it's not just cursed energy that constantly shifted. Gates, mana that is inhabited in Od, divine protections. All of it was ever pulsing like a heartbeat of a person, and that was the beauty of living.

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