Arc 3 chapter 1: the most beautiful gray

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Subaru was sitting on a particular chair in a particular room in the basement of Roswaal mansion.

"Good grief. You put me in an impossible situation, making such a demand. More stubborn than ever, bargaining while you have nothing: no currency to chip in. But fine. I'll see what I can do."

Subaru stand up from his chair and approaches the door. He turns once again to address the listener:

"Whether or not I succeed, you'll keep your promise, or else I might change the terms of our meetings in the future. Do I make myself clear?!"

After so long Subaru was making genuine progress. This nightmare: perhaps it can be finally over. He looks at the letter from Rainhard that arrived a few days ago.

'If I'm going to make this work. I need to make preparations for it. Better pack my disguise.'

Subaru goes to his small workshop room. After having so much time freed up with his sleeping problems, Subaru took upon himself to keep his mind busy. It was mostly sewing stuff, but he did try tinkering with fire stones. It didn't go well.

Like at all. No matter how hard he might try.
He was a very good fighter and housekeeper, but a trash inventor. His science knowledge from home was decent enough to know concepts that could be useful in magic, but not how to build up inventions from scratch. He isn't some Dr.Stone who can build a civilization from the stone age.

("Despite having the same v.a., huh..." -author.)

He looks at many failed experiments:
"Eh, whatever, It's my money anyways, I can do with it what I want." Subaru talked to no one in particular: "besides even I deserve some free time, right?"

Subaru scratches the back of his head:
"After all I need to find something useful to do, since I haven't been progressing with limitless anymore. Almost as if I'm missing something."

He dozes off but he shakes himself out of the stupor:

"Right, time to pack my things. A blood book and a blood quill, a knights uniform, self made recognition obstruction robe for (snort) famous Emilia's knight."

'Me, famous? What a tasteless joke.'

"People might recognise her with me around, after all.

And finally a humble pocket money: I miss simpler times with the Appa guy, man..."

("I'm sure you won't regret saying that later"- the author smirks sarcastically.)

Subaru starts mumbling quietly:
"For the mission a featureless white mask with a Yin stone on a forehead to cloak the eyes and hair in shadow. Next to it was a bit smaller yang stone which in tandem with the yin stone could modify my voice."

'This was a tough enchantment to implement, my magic training with Beatrice paid off.'

It also has a smaller Wind stone above the Yin stone, but that's more for aesthetics. It would move the fake hair substance responding to his emotions.

The worn out and tattered black hooded cloak, and a rather simple looking black button-shirt and black leggings both with purple outlines.

Lastly a change of casual clothes and hair colour changing earrings because of a yin and yang stone: for that person. Yang part of the spell was especially difficult to pull off but... in the end he even managed to put a little extra feature in.

"Let me check parameters: no cursed energy, no limitless techniques, limit yin magic or don't do it at all. I will need weapons, I have the back weapon holders. Now I even have the location of their hideout. I can make a stop on our way to Lugnica to get those weapons."

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