Arc 3 chapter 12: weight of love

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Let's go it's the chapter publishing Marathon. Objective: reaching fireworks that were supposed to drop for my birthday:

January the 3rd.

If you would like to congratulate me you can do so.

The reason why it took me 16 days to publish it, is because this story portion is an important filler.

I needed to grasp characters, delve deeper in future arcs to get a feel for their personalities, predict their future, and determine cursed technique distribution.

Complicated stuff.

A lot of the times I just hit a roadblock. Not knowing what to write about. What a certain character would say in that situation and make a believable reaction.

Edit: there is a very few dialogue corrections I've done in this chapter.

If you think it is still too much, too long and you think a certain thing I could've left out. Let me know.

Anyways enjoy:
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The personality of Antares, starts reading the empty paper:

"My dearest friends,

I cannot describe the sorrow I am feeling in this moment I am writing this message. The only reason I am barely managing to keep a coherent thought is because the immense shame is guiding my pen.

I am afraid that everything you knew about me was a lie.
I am not a hero, I am a curse.
I do not originate from this plane of existence, but from a much more bleaker world, that is bathed in negative energy and misfortune.

But even for the standards of that world I was exceptionally cursed.
Ever since birth, everywhere I thread only misery follows. I tried to defy my fate but my every effort only made things worse.

After I got transported to this world for a brief moment I thought that maybe... I could have a normal life, and help out people.

It was precisely because I tried to play a hero in the capital that I gained an ire of a powerful organisation.

Lady Emilia in her undying kindness accepted this unconscious, wounded and wretched existence into the Mathers territory.

But instead of thanking her for her hospitality and bidding farewell, i instead indulged in ignorance. I allowed myself to dream of a idyllic life of a knighthood, despite knowing fully well that I am unbefitting of such a position. I selfishly endangered everyone's lives.

And thus in a record time of only four days, my past actions from the capital caught up to me and all of your lives were threatened.

An assassin from the previously mentioned organisation, found out about my location and took your children as hostages. I couldn't even correct the mistake I've made myself, instead I had to rely on others to cover for my failures

But instead of taking that event as a sign to step off the position I did not deserve... In my all consuming greed I shamelessly reinforced this disgusting facade.

At the height of my arrogance I caused an incident in the Royal selection and my fraudulent character was finally exposed. I caused so much trouble for Emilia-sama that she was forced to dishonourably discharge me.

Antares please prostrate yourself for my sake- wait what?! Why should I? Oh I was not supposed to read that. He says he will compensate for it me, later."

A few broke listeners had a little chuckle, but they were soon silenced by the remainder of the serious group.

The hooded mercenary takes a begging position in such a way that he can still "read" the "written" letter.

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