Arc 3 chapter 9: battle hard fought

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"Phase one: first tactical strike: Test fire!" Crusch empties her lungs with ear splitting shout.

"Ul Goa!" Magician #42 releases a raging inferno ball at the White whale. It was ineffective. His shot was followed with another from singular lagmite cannon.

Subaru shouts:
"Mana is useless! That hair White Whale possesses: scatters mana and it disperses force!"

"So all that preparation was for naught. Khhhh" Crusch grinds her teeth.

Whale shrieks as if mocking them.

"Not necessarily. All we need to do is peel off this giant fish's scales, like if it were on a cutting board and roast its meat directly."

("Ooohhhh, Sukuna reference" -author)

"Understood! Phase one: tactical strike two: Flash aggravation!"
Crusch fires a strike of air slashing attack, and it strikes true across the Whale's face. Mortars fire night banishers and light up a night sky as if it were the middle of the day.

"It's impressive no matter how many times I see it."

The whale screeches doing rapid circular motions in the vertical axis, preparing for the next attack.

"It's not a skill I show often because of its destructive power, what do you mean by what you just said: 'no matter how many times you saw it'?"

"The ability to slash against the skin despite being protected by magic countering hide. If it wasn't protected I'm sure you would slash it in half.
Focus Crusch-sama. Here it comes."

"Right. Troops disperse!" Crusch was embarrassed just a tad bit.

Only Wilhelm, Crusch, Subaru and Elsa and their respective earth dragons remained facing the towering maw of the white whale.

"Second Phase: first tactical strike: Meat tenderising!"Crusch powerful voice graces the battlefield.

"Here we go again." Subaru silently grumbles to himself.

Wilhelm, Subaru and Elsa run ahead. Wilhelm then summersaults with a full twist around his body's vertical axis. Drawing the sword, and then landing with enviable mastery.

"For 14 years, I have dreamt of nothing but this moment. Fall here and leave your corpse behind."
He jumps in the air in a flashy acrobatic move:
"You're nothing but a monster!"

A boom of something moving at supersonic speeds rockets near the place Wilhelm once stood. That thunderous sound is followed by the sound of chains, and then a dark silhouette wizzes by.

To say the scene was comical would be an understatement. One moment penishead has his mouth open, the next a shockwave forces it shut, and towering uni-whale-horn recoils from its force.

("Woah, narration has so much beef with the whale" -author)

While Wilhelm was busy cutting the whale open, some tremendous force was trashing the White Floatie around in unpredictable directions. That repetitive sound of something fired at high velocity, followed by chains and an earsplitting strike of flesh with an earth shattering blunt weapon.

Scene changes to Subaru approaching a metal pole embedded in the Whale's white fur, head first with breakneck speeds. He punches the monstrosity with a right arm gauntlet while simultaneously grabbing the metal handle with his left. And then he is propelled backwards by equal opposite force.

The camera angle then shifts to Whale seemingly gaining distance from Subaru.

"No matter how many times I have to repeat this fight, it's still funny. For a rat... poison."

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