Arc 2 chapter 2: just Subaru

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Subaru sits next to Emilia who was opposite to Beako and Puck. At the head of the table. Ram and Rem standing on each side of him

'no fucking way, the clown is the mansions master. Roswaal mansion... he is Roswaal then, I suppose... Damn it Beako, your wording is infectious!'

Shaking his head to clear his scattered and distressed thoughts, Subaru tastes the soup:
"Mmm, this is way tastier than normal food."

Roswaal happily shows a open palm toward the blue haired maid:
"Despiiiite her appearance Rem's cooking is quiiiiite impressive."

Subaru nods with a smile:
"So your expertise is in cooking."

Rem affirms with a polite but disinterested tone:
"Yes, honoured guest. My nee-sama is not very good at cooking."

Subaru stirs the soup, a bit put off by short and blunt answers. He tries to inquire more to lighten the atmosphere:
"Is she better than you in other housework?"

"No I'm better than Rem in cleaning, laundry, and so on. But she does those good enough"

The black haired student lays down the spoon with a bit of clang on the plater. He shows an open palm coupled with a displeased face:
"Okay stop. Ram has a defective head thingy compared to yours, Ram's magic gate is insufficient compared to yours, and Ram's physique is weaker than yours. Why do you put her in such high regard? My Onii-sama was at least super strong!"

Subaru's lip starts to tremble:
"...until that scumbag of human being..." Subaru casts his gaze downwards calming his shaking hand:

"My apologies, for my outburst. It seems I still haven't come to terms with it. I didn't want to bring the mood down. It was my fault he was in that situation."

Rem twitches almost undetectable.

Emilia looks at Subaru compassionately:
"Do you want to talk about it?"

Subaru shakes his head:
"If I talk about it, I don't think my mind will handle it."

Roswaal smiles like he just won a lottery, narrowing his eyelids, he speaks mysteriously:
"My honooooured guest how much do you know about the state of goooovernment in Lugnica?"

"I might have some idea, but I guess it'd be better if I just told you my backstory. Because that's what you truly want from me"

Roswaal with his permanent grin nods.

'and here we go. Time to bullshit my way out. I thought about it all morning, and since I know Puck can detect lies from my previous life, I had to come up with an alibi, because I'm not risking RBD being found out. Reinhard is an exception, because he's my strongest friend-rival.'

"You see, I'm not from this dimension; world; reality whatever is the simpler term for you. I don't know how or why, but I am here now."

Ram's eyes widen:
"That's... Hard to believe. But it could explain your overall weirdness."

Subaru ignores her comment:
"You've seen what my eyes are capable of right? Well I was walking around the city yesterday... and I had the misfortune of meeting the bowel hunter, I analysed her abilities and I noticed hostility she showed toward Felt. I overheard the deal was 10 holy coins."

Indeed what Subaru said was all true. However he remixed the order of events in his head to bypass Puck's lie detector.

Rem responds interested in the quantity:
"That's quite a price, I assume the bowel hunter didn't outright tell the girl what the true meaning is behind it."

Subaru nods in confirmation before he continues:
"Now Felt seemed like a good kid, so I decided to get her out of that sticky situation...

I got lost a bit, but after waiting in a street-"

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