Amazing Maze

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"My, my! Now what happened here?" Caine saw all the water on the ground and cartoonish bruises on Jax and Tiny.
"He threw water balloons at me." Tiny answered, pointing to Jax.
"Allegedly." He turned his back to her and crossed his arms, swishing his non-existent hair.
Tiny scoffed. "You started it."
"You assaulted me, hothead." He reminded her. He somehow never got mad and always kept his cool.
Tiny growled. She, on the other hand, got mad easily.
"I don't think I properly introduced anyone here!" Exclaimed Caine, changing the subject. Then he proceeded to give her a tour of the Digital Circus grounds and he introduced everyone to her. "Well, that's everything!" They were back in the main room of the circus. "Why don't we start the day with an adventure?"
"An adventure?" Tiny said uneasily.
"Yeah," Ragatha replied. "they're little activities Caine hosts every day to- well..."
"Keep us from going insane and abstracting." Jax finished, smiling sarcastically. "But you'll be juuuust fine." He patted Tiny on the back lightly. She gulped.
"Let's start it up!" Caine snapped his fingers and letters appeared in the air and arranged themselves into a title. "Looks like today's adventure is Amazing Maze!" A giant maze with all the walls of different colors appeared around everyone, causing everyone to back up by each other. Tiny accidentally bumped into Jax. He shoved her away.
Jax ignored her apology.
"The rules are, first to make it to the center and eat the Wary Berry, wins!"

"tHaNk YoU lIzZy" FanGurl1170

"Oh. 'Sounds simple enough." Tiny said to herself.
"You're gonna regret saying that, shortie." Jax added. Tiny tried to only focus on the goal, not Jax's remarks.
"It's just a berry, how bad can it be?"
"Worse than you could ever imagine, kid." Jax replied. Everyone was getting ready to run through the maze.
"Ready, GO!" Caine yelled.
Everyone ran in different directions. Tiny immediately reached a dead end, and apparently Kinger did too, because they ran into each other at the start trying to go in a new path.
"Sorry Kinger!" Tiny helped him up.
"No worries, no one was injured in the process of your mistake." He replied. Tiny ran off again in a new path, turning this way and that, running into walls, but eventually got to the center.
"The berry!" Tiny grabbed the berry and took a big bite. It was very sour and it tasted disgusting. Tiny felt her stomach cramp up, then she threw up what looked like ink all around the platform just as Zooble ran in the entrance to the center.
"Sorry.." Tiny replied wearily. Bubble flew on down and started cleaning the mess with her tongue. Tiny stared with a disgusted face expression. Tiny took small bites now and swallowed little bit by little bit and only threw up one more time, then she was finished and had won the adventure.
"Well then! That's the end of the adventure!" Caine exclaimed, and then the maze disappeared. "Congratulations, Tiny on winning your first ever adventure! You all win a breakfast buffet!"
"Wait hold on- all of us?" Tiny butt in. "But I ate the berry!"
"The challenge was to see if anyone could make it!"
Tiny looked at Caine in confusion.
"Hey, thanks for the free lunch, shortie!" Jax called, waving tauntingly.
Tiny watched as everyone filed to the table, enjoying themselves.
"We're suffering for no reason." She said to herself.

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