Water Balloon

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"Good morning, shortie." Jax said. Everyone was standing over Tiny.
"Are you ok? Let me get you a damp cloth." The rag doll ran out of the room.
"I was gonna drop a water balloon on ya, but then you woke up so you spoiled my plan." Jax held up the heavy balloons- Then he got an idea. "Well, I guess I can still throw them."
Tiny got up with the help of the jester. "Why-"
Jax hit her with the balloon in the side.
"Oh sorry, I was aiming for your face. Oh well, it's better than nothing." He walked away, carrying the water balloons. Tiny noticed he had dropped one. She picked it up, looked up at him, then pulled her arm back like a pitcher in baseball and threw it as hard as she could. It hit the back of his head. Everyone was watching.
She folded her arms and smirked, but then it quickly faded when he started throwing all of the balloons at her. Tiny shrieked and hit behind a giant letter block.
"Well that won't help you." Jax said.
"Why?" Tiny asked, then she looked up.
"I'm a rabbit." He was on top of the letter block and taunting her, waving the water balloon gently.
"How did you-"
"Digitally blessed, sweetheart."
Then Tiny lunged at him, pinning him to the ground. Jax rolled over, pinning her to the ground harder than she did.
"Ah, ah, ah~" He had an evil smile going from ear to ear. Tiny grabbed his arm and used it to pull herself. She sprang up, knocking him down and she held him down with her foot.
Jax rolled his eyes and spread out his arms, then looked at her and smirked. "Shortie." Tiny made a furious expression. Jax's eyes widened and his smile faded. Tiny was about to slap him, but then the rag doll walked in.
"WHAT IS GOING ON?" She yelled.
Jax and Tiny turned their heads and stopped fighting.
"Nothing." Tiny said innocently, punching him in the face.
"Um. OW." He started rubbing his cheek.
As soon as she turned her head back, hands grabbed Tiny and was pulling her away. "HEY WHAT?" She looked behind her and saw the rag doll.
"There won't be any more fighting this morning. Got it?"
"Ha! LOSER!" Jax yelled, getting off the ground and dusting himself off. Tiny tried lunging again but the rag doll held her back. "I win by default~" He taunted. Then he reached behind him and grabbed another water balloon and threw it. It hit the rag doll. She turned her head very slowly.
"What... did I just... say?"
"Well kid, welcome to your new home." Jax said to Tiny.

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