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You stood on the familiar pavement, gazing up at your parents' house with a mixture of apprehension and reluctance. The anticipation of the impending reunion weighed heavily on you, as you knew that behind that door awaited hugs that would only serve to deepen the facade of normalcy. Rayane, your ever-supportive brother, stood by your side, providing a comforting presence in the face of what felt like an impending storm.

The thought of entering the house stirred a knot in your stomach. It wasn't just the facade of familial bliss that troubled you; it was the subtle, yet piercing, judgments you anticipated from your parents, particularly concerning your weight. The familiar anxiety about their supposedly well-meaning yet intrusive comments clawed at you self-esteem. In this moment of vulnerability, Rayane's support felt like a fragile shield against the imminent barrage of critiques that would echo through the walls of your childhood home.

It took you a good minute before the adrenaline kicked in, allowing you to ring the doorbell, as ready as possible to face your parents.

"So, what do you think of the lamb?" your mother asks, watching you taste the meat she had spent hours preparing, hoping for a positive response.

You shrugged, preferring not to stroke her ego. "It's good," you simply said.

Across from you, your brother suppressed a sigh. He cleared his throat before changing the subject. "How was your evening yesterday?"

Mrs.L/n lost interest in the conversation as soon as it no longer revolved around her culinary skills, leaving room for her husband to risk a glance in your direction, curious to hear your response.

"Very well," you replied to Rayane, ignoring the presence of your parents because that seemed like the best thing to do. "The hotel reserved a ballroom for the occasion, it was fancy."

The architecture student nodded but couldn't continue the conversation as his father preempted him, bringing up a topic that horrified you.

"So, have you found someone yet?" he asked, his tone laced with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

You shifted uneasily, desperately trying to redirect the conversation. "I'd rather not discuss my personal life right now."

His stern expression softened momentarily, only to be replaced by a determined persistence. "You're not getting any younger, and we worry about you. It's time to settle down."

Before you could conjure a response, your mother innocently interjected, her voice carrying a soothing tone, "Oh, let her take her time, dear. She has other priorities right now. Besides, it's important for her to focus on improving her physical health before thinking about marriage."

You sighed inwardly, loathing the fact that she thought she was helping you by saying those things. Or no, it was even worse. She didn't care whether you'd be hurt or not. Although you'd learned that fighting with her on that matter wouldn't get you anywhere, you were tired and on edge, so you couldn't just let it go. 

"Thanks for the advice," you addressed her with a forced smile, "but you can keep it to yourself. I don't think you're in the best position to give moral lessons."

As you said this, you sized her up to make her understand that she wasn't practicing what she preached. Your mother had been fat since her last pregnancy, nineteen years ago. You saw no issue with it, but her hypocrisy infuriated you. How could she feel entitled to criticize your physical appearance when you both looked similar?

"It's different for me," she replied calmly, adding to your growing frustration. "I'm old now." you scoffed because she was far from old, no more than forty-one "My life is behind me, so I can afford it. You, you're still young."

"Why does it bother you so much?"

She bit her lower lip, staring at her daughter with large eyes filled with sadness. At that moment, you knew you wouldn't stay here for long.

"Because I worry about your health."

You placed your chopsticks in your plate, letting out a smile tinged with irritation. Knots formed in your stomach.

"Mom, Y/n is old enough to—"

But you didn't let her finish. "Since I was fifteen, you've been bombarding me with these stories about weight, health, marriage, family life, about what's best for me! Ten years younger or older makes no difference. You remain the same bully who has made it her mission to ruin my damn life."

Of course, your father chose this moment to intervene and defend his beloved, as always.

"You will speak to her with respect!"

"She has the right to defend herself!" Rayane shouted, rising as he noticed the pure anger in your (e/c) eyes, nearly identical to his.

However, the elder in this family gathering mirrored his son, pounding his fist on the table. "Don't take her side," he spoke in a frigid tone, a proof of his impulsiveness. "I knew it would end like this." He spat, casting you a disdainful look. "Your mother and I invite you to spend time with the family because we know how difficult living alone can be." You didn't even have the strength to protest, simply widening your eyes at his audacity. "But here you are, ruining everything with that damn attitude. I don't even know where you got it from!"

Mrs. L/n lowered her head as if to fuel her husband's anger who was unable to bear seeing his soulmate in distress. There was a moment of silence during which Rayane assessed your reaction, anticipating an explosion. However, you remained silent. You stood up and left the table without a glance at your parents, but you made sure to thank your brother with a nod. He hurriedly followed behind you to escort you to the door, but you didn't want to linger in this place filled with unpleasant memories.

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You slammed the door of your apartment behind you, taking a moment to sigh as loudly as you could, eager to externalize all the frustration that had built up within you from the moment you stepped through your parents' front door.

What a crappy evening, you thought.

As you stood in your apartment, still reeling from the tumultuous family dinner, an unexpected noise interrupted the uneasy silence. Faint but unmistakable sounds emanated from the pantry room. Panic seized you momentarily, your mind racing with a mix of fear and curiosity. The rational part of your brain insisted that it was probably just a creaky floor or a settling sound, but the recent confrontation with your parents had left you on edge. 

Swallowing your apprehension, you steeled yourself and cautiously approached the pantry. The noises grew more pronounced, and your imagination conjured scenarios ranging from the mundane to the fantastical. With a deep breath, you gripped the doorknob, hand trembling slightly. 

As the door creaked open, your eyes widened at the unexpected sight before you. There stood Jungkook, eyes narrowed, as he searched fervently for a bag of Lays.

"Jungkook? Is—is that you?" you exclaimed, a nervous laughter bubbling up. His sheepish smile and the familiar scenario painted a stark contrast to the earlier tensions, turning the unexpected intrusion into a much-needed distraction from the chaos of family dynamics.

In a surprising turn of events, driven by the residual anger and disappointment from the the evening, you found yourself instinctively reaching out to him.


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