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Two weeks later, you still had no news from Jungkook. You knew he would take his time to show up, undoubtedly occupied by his return in Nosha and kept by his family. But here, time passed, and worry gripped you. Not to mention the longing. It was strange because, thinking about it, he had been by your side for only a few days. Nevertheless, his arrival, coupled with the discovery of another world, a magical one at that, had left its mark.

At home or at work, you kept thinking of him. You wondered how he was doing and if he had any news from Grandma's old friend. Maybe he had reached out to her already? Although she would have probably told you already. 

Right now though, your mind was elsewhere. 

The meeting room buzzed with anticipation for the upcoming office party. You couldn't resist the opportunity to tease supervisor Min. You approached him with a mischievous glint in your eyes. "Hey, supervisor Min! Excited for the party next week?"

Yoongi glanced up from his laptop, unimpressed but curious. "Yes?"

A sly smile played on your lips. "Well, I was thinking, you know, you could be my plus one. What do you say?"

Yoongi arched an eyebrow, incredulous. "Seriously? You're asking your supervisor to be your date?"

You chuckled, undeterred. "Why not? It'll be fun. Besides, I've heard you're a fantastic dancer. We could show off some moves on the dance floor."

A rare smirk appeared on Yoongi's face, but it disappeared right away. He couldn't let you know he was amused; you'd enjoy it way too much. "I don't know who the hell told you that, but I'm definitely not interested in any of —"

Undeterred by his skepticism, you persisted, "It doesn't matter. I still think we'd rock the party. So, what'd you say?"

The porcelain-skinned man rolled his eyes. "Still a no. Now go back to work, the meeting is over."

Jimin, who had witnessed the entire scene, joined you as soon as you left the meeting room. Amused by your constant provocations towards the supervisor, he teased you about your rejection.

"Honestly, did you think he was going to accept?"

You shrugged, a smirk playing on your lips. "I was just teasing him." Joking with your colleagues and getting on your supervisor's nerves were the only activities that could take your mind off things. 

Your apartment, your brother Namjoon, even Momo, all reminded you of Jungkook.

With no possible way to reach out to him, you're stuck with the unbearable feeling of longing. You had no choice but to wait patiently and keep yourself busy.

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Rayane knew you inside out. With him, it was impossible to hide your emotions or lie. You had no secrets from him. So when he suggested grabbing a bite one December evening, he immediately noticed that something was off. 

Since your visit to Aachi's—and incidentally, Jungkook's departure—a month ago, you hadn't had the chance to see each other. He was preoccupied with his exams while you did everything to avoid anyone that reminded you of the wizard.

Imagine your brother's surprise when he discovered your exhausted appearance as soon as you walked through the door of the restaurant where he had been waiting for you for quite some time, by the way. He stood up to embrace you, but couldn't fathom why you were so limp.

Even worse, you hardly touched your plate. Usually so fond of food, he found it hard to believe that you struggled to finish your hoddeok. His suspicions were confirmed; something was bothering you.

To avoid making a scene at the restaurant, and because he knew you would deny it, your brother waited until you were back home to question you.

Overwhelmed and bottling up your emotions for too long, you broke down. You were crying hot tears, hoping to lighten the heavy burden that had settled on your shoulders in recent weeks. Both Rayane and you found it hard to believe that you had suddenly collapsed due to Jungkook's absence. The situation was weighing on your mind much more than you had initially thought.

Suffocating, you tried to speak, but only fragments of words managed to escape your mouth: "I—sorry—must be ridi—sorry!" You kept crying as your brother patted your back, silently staring at you.

It wasn't until five long minutes had passed that you managed to calm yourself and regain composure, with the help of the student. He had just brought you a glass of water to compensate for the liters of tears that had escaped your body.

"I'm sorry..." were the only words that came to your mind.

Your brother waved his hand dismissively. "I don't care; cry as much as you need to."

You managed a slight smile, although it quickly faded. You were fortunate to have a younger sibling you could rely on, no matter the situation. You and Rayane had always been close, particularly because he was the only family member you talked to when you still lived with your parents.

Now an adult, he never hesitated to offer you support and comfort in any situation. He was the beacon of hope you once were for him when you were younger.

"Maybe Aachi knows a way to contact him?"
You shook your head. "No, she would have told me. And she would have used it to communicate with her friend." A tired sigh escaped your lips as you let yourself fall onto your couch, closing your eyes for a few seconds to regain a steady breath. "I don't even know why it makes me cry... It's not normal!"
Rayane agreed, but he had no interest in pushing you further.
"You're worried about him, that's normal."
You bit your lip, embarrassed. Beyond the worry, you mainly wanted to see him again, hear from him, talk to him. But your brother didn't need to know that.

"Even so. I shouldn't be so intense."

A silence settled. Rayane recalled the day of Jungkook's transformation, slightly gritting his teeth as he remembered how wary he had been. This stranger had suddenly taken a significant place in his sister's life in just five days. How was that possible? He pursed his lips, contemplating various explanations.

Timidly, he eventually asked, "Did you... sleep together?"

You held your breath, eyes widening. Where did that come from? Giving him a stern look, you denied, "And even if that were the case, you'd be the last person I'd talk to about it."

Rayane rolled his eyes, mirroring your position. He grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV, letting its sound create a cozy atmosphere.

"You know," he said after a few minutes "it'd be fun to visit him. Well, the realm of Nosha, to be precise. But I'm sure you'd rather see him."

You nudged him with your elbow, causing a chuckle. Nevertheless, you couldn't help but nod. He wasn't wrong. You would have loved to explore the fascinating world that Jungkook had talked about, and he had promised to show you around if he ever had the chance.

"It would." you agreed "I'm sure we will."

And with that thought, you slowly drifted off to sleep while your brother stayed up late to make sure you were resting properly.


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