Chapter Three

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Daedae Watkins-Graham | 19

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Daedae Watkins-Graham | 19

"I thought you dropped Mir off grandma's house cause you had to go somewhere?" I took a seat watching Mir play with his toys. Soon as he seen me he got up waddling to me with his toys in his hand. "Wassup Mir!" I picked him up tickling him making him laugh.


"Well change of plans," She said in a flat out tone.

"Lwook at my toy!" Amir said showing me his toys.

"I know man I see it! And why change of plans? What happened?" I looked over at her for a while and turned my attention back to Amir. "You seemed happy when you told me about it earlier."

"It's nothing," She shuts the book she was reading turning her attention all on me now. "How was it? The visit?"

I watched as Amir walked back to the middle of the carpet to play with the rest of the toys. I noticed the toys he was playing with, my dad got him those.

"It was cool," I got comfortable on the couch sitting back. "We talked about a lot. It was very comforting...I wish they would just let him out. He doesn't deserve to be in there Ma."

As soon as I said that her whole mood change. I could see it all on her face and she mumbled something.

"I didn't hear you. What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything." She lightly smiles looking over at Amir. "What did you guys talk about?"

"Me taking a gap year for college-,"

"Wait! You're taking a gap year?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Well I think so I really haven't made my decision yet..."

"So when were you gonna tell me this? You never discussed that with me."

"I forgot, I just remembered when he asked me about what college I plan on going to. He was supportive of my decision,"

"But why do you want to take a gap year? Daedae, all you need is one year of college. You know how fast that'll go? Than you can declare for the NBA draft."

"You don't like my decision?" I look at her sideways.

"No I really don't Daedae," She folded her arms pushing her hair behind her ear. "Don't let your father push that thought into your head where you should be taking a gap year because you shouldn't. I can remember you telling me you were excited to graduate and go to college. All of a sudden you see him for the first time in a long time and you're just switching your desires."

"Ma, don't do that. This has nothing to do with him. I always thought about taking a gap years since the end of HighSchool."

"Really? So why didn't you tell me when you were in HighSchool that you were thinking about that huh?" I was quiet and couldn't respond. "Exactly. Because of your father." She stood up grabbing Amir. "Time for bed bubba, say goodnight to your brother!"

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