A Yearning of Cadence

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"The fuck you mean 6 days?"

I growled and my mood quickly switched from intreged to angered.

"6 days for what? Not goanna give me any detail? Huh? Just... 6 days. The fuck do you mean?" My questions were met with silence. So no ones goanna explain anything, just leave me high, dry, and confused. Typical.

"We are not able to tell you anymore, this is The only warning we can give you" Vessel said, he sounded as if his patients was running thin and he was trying to keep his cool. He seemed as if he would be a nice person off stage, and he was when I first met him but I've been in the room with them for 10 mins, and it seems like his peacful persona may break if I dare to push it further.

"Okay no worries. Just leave me in the dark to wonder what the fuck is going on won't ya" I stood up and started to pace. I was filled with confusion and frustration that I could only convey through aggression.  Everyone looked defeated and maybe annoyed, I wasn't sure if it was because I was making a scene of because they couldn't tell me anything but I didn't care in this moment. I needed answers.

"Why can't you tell me? I mean you know don't you? Like what's so bad you can't tell me, am I goanna die or somthing?" I said with a sarcastic chuckle at the end, why is it so hard to deal with men, their so confusing.

Though the last part of My question was met with only silence and worried gazes shared between the 4 men in the room. I felt my eyes quickly widen and I held on the the back of the couch for support.

Was I goanna die?

I flicked my eyes from one man back to another to try and study them but their masks gave little away. "... Am I...?" I chocked out after an uncomfortable silence had made its self at home. I stared at Vessel, he was the one that had told me everything so far so I just hoped that he could reassure me somehow. But when he spoke it only made my concern strengthn

"... much worse..."

Is all he said before standing up, the others followed him and I tried to stand my ground as they lightly grabbed my arm, asking me to follow without a fight. I stared in disbelieve and felt my eyes become wells of burning tears but all I did was stare at Vessel as he walked around.

"Fuck off man, how am I goanna go on life knowing that there's 6 days till I- I don't know, evaporated into thin air or someshit what do you expect me to do now?" Again, I was met with silence. The tension continued to rise in the room ans you could feel the worry that radiated from me. Though one of the guys spoke up that was holding my wrist.

"Please, come with us, you'll know once the time has passed". They asked pleadingly. I usually wouldn't give up so easily but I felt defeated and didn't want to make the situation worse so I followed their lead. They walked to the door with me and down the stairs. I tried to ask questions but they were all met either the same answer.

"You'll know in Time"

These people were really starting to piss me off.

They walked me to my house and I saw Avery at the gate, her tail wagging with joy as she saw me, I opened the gate but before I went through I turned to talk to the two that walked me home.

Thread The Needle - Sleep Token / Vessel ffWhere stories live. Discover now