Garden of Bones / Ghost of Harrenhal

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Dark Flame Ships

Y/N trains with Dark Fire on the deck of the ship. He's training some of his soldiers who've been on the other ships. He stands in front of one of them but stops when they eye someone behind him.

"Excuse me, King Y/N... Khaleesi requests your presence." Doreah says to him making him nod.

Doreah stares at him as he doesn't have a shirt on like he usually does. Y/N puts Dark Fire to his side as he walks to Daenerys.

He reaches her door and knocks on it lightly. It opens and he walks inside to see her and her three dragons. Daenerys is dancing as her dragons look at her. The four turn to him as Irri walks out and closes the door.

"You enjoy dancing?" Y/N asks her as he approaches them.

"Yes, I used to do it all the time when I was younger.. Especially with your mother." Daenerys answers smiling at the memory.

"You requested my presence." Y/N says as he walks closer to her.

"Yes, I wanted to introduce you to my children... Don't be scared, I don't think they will hurt you." Daenerys says as he sits next to her carefree.

The three dragons look at him and become intrigued by the Witcher. He puts his hand out and they slowly walk to it. Daenerys looks at him in awe from not being scared. The dragons sniff his hand before making noises making them smile.

"You aren't afraid.." Daenerys says.

"I have a dragon Dany." Y/N tells her making her look down in embarrassment.

"Her name is Hydra.. She's the same age as us." Y/N tells her.

"Where is she?" Daenerys asks curious.

"She's back at my kingdom... Growing, destroying monsters." Y/N answers.

"Where is your kingdom?" Daenerys asks him.

"On land that's close to the North.. Not a part of it but it does cover some of the wall." Y/N answers and Drogon screeches making Daenerys turn to them.

"This, is Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal." She introduces them to him.

"Where did you get them? I thought Hydra was the last one." Y/N asks her.

"I got them as a gift not that long ago.. When I still had one brother left.. I mean he wasn't any good, he sold me to Drogo but, he was still my brother.." Daenerys answers.

"Wish I would've found you sooner." Y/N says making her eye him.

"Why? Would you have given my brother your army?" Daenerys asks before a knock at the door is heard. She doesn't move as she wants to hear his answer.

"Of course not, I would've killed him and Drogo.. No one treats my betrothed like horseshit." Y/N says to her smirking at the last part.

Daenerys grins before chuckling at him. She orders the person to come in and they quickly do.

"My King, Your Grace... There is a man here saying that he serves Khaleesi." Zorah informs them making Y/N turn to her.

Her face straightens before she stands up and walks out of the room. Y/N and Zorah look at each other before following her.

Y/N stands at the edge of his ship as he watches Daenerys and Jorah with the man. His generals stand beside him as do the men on every ship around them.

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