Your Backstory

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You were an orphan and had to live on the streets, where you picked up very handy skills. You had the same heist as Kaz, in the Ice Court, and he saw your skills, so he took you on as a Crow. He actually showed you his soft side too.
Your parents died in the first outbreak of the firepox when you were a mere age of 3. You fell into an addiction of gambling, and met Jesper in the Crow Club, where you won against him.
You were a family friend to Inej, and you had a playdate with her on time, where the Menagerie kidnapped both you and Inej. Kaz took Inej as a Crow, and years later, Kaz accepted you too.
You were taken by Grisha, as you were an Inferni, and then you ran away after Kirigan destroyed your camp. You went on the conductor's skiff to Ketterdam, where you were charmed by Wylan.
You were very young when your parents gave you away, as they couldn't control your powers. Kirigan actually cared for you and took you in where you met Nina. She and Kirigan helped you control your powers.
You were chased by a pack of wolves when you were younger, but you actually became "friends" with them. They call you the Wolf Enchantress, and your feared by Fjerdan's. Matthias however took a liking to you, and you took a liking to him too.
You were the Princess of Fjerda, but you've been put in an arranged marriage with Nikolai, at first you protested, but you soon got to see the caring side of him, and he's proud to call you Queen of Ravka.
You were a summoner of wealth (idk go with me on this) and Kirgian was so after you, so he could be rich and powerful. As you were running from him, you came across Alina. You two went on the run together.
He found you about to be killed in the fold, so he saved you (delulu), you have no idea why but you were grateful. He was actually really nice to you, and cared for you greatly.
You were attacked in the orphanage at Keramzin because you wouldn't give them a little mouse that you found. Mal, who kept a bunny from them, saw that you needed help, and you ran into the fields together.
You loved poetry when you were younger and you always made new pieces whenever you could. Tolya loved reading poetry so, when he met you, he asked to read a lot of your poetry.
You were abused by your parents so you ran away to Ketterdam, then to Ravka where you met Tolya, and he introduced you to Tamar. She saw that you had great skill with an axe, so you always practiced and spare together.

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