☆He Finds You Crying☆

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Warnings - Abuse, sadness, death, drugs, alcohol, sexual abuse, bad mental health, miscarriage, homophobia.

You've had a really hard time recently. You received a letter telling you that a family member of yours in Ravka died from the darkling killing them, and it left you distraught. You cried for a while, and now you have nowhere to stay because you were paying for a room somewhere in Ketterdam. Kaz, your boyfriend, walked in on you crying one day and sat beside you. He let you rest your head on his shoulder while holding your hand. After you told him what happened, he offered you to move in with him. You accepted and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Your family found out that you were grisha and kicked you out from your house. You ran to the Crow Club in tears, hoping to find your boyfriend Jepser. You ran into his room sniffling, and there he was, with his hat on, talking to himself in the mirror. He turned around when he heard you sob and looked at you with worry in his eyes. You ran into his arms and wrapped your legs around his waist, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, crying. He rubbed your back, holding you in his arms. When you let go of him, he looked into your eyes and asked what happened. You explained what happened, and he hugged you again, he layed down with you and cuddled you.

Your mother is abusive because she drinks every day. You're walking the streets of Ketterdam, with cuts down your arms and legs, bruises on your torso too. You're crying because of the pain that your mother has caused you. You walked into yours and Inej's house and saw her cleaning her knives. When she saw you, she rushed to you and sat you on the kitchen counter between your legs, cleaning your cuts. You winced a few times as she went over a cut, but other than that, it didn't hurt that much. She examined your massive bruise and then sat with you on the sofa and layed with you.

You, Wylan, and the Crows were sitting in the Crow Club, enjoying the time together, when the door opened and a man walked in, you realised it was your father who physically, mentally and sexually abused you. You felt like you couldn't breathe, so you walked away from the Crows to your room. Wylan rushed up to you and saw you pacing, he walks up to you and hugged you from behind, he walks with you backwards until his back was against the wall, you're still stuggling to breathe, so he slides down the wall with you and holds you in his arms until you calm down.

Your mental health hasn't been good lately. You've been having a lot of breakdowns, at least 1 every day. You don't know what's caused it, but you've just felt really low. Nina must have picked up on it because you've been really distant. You were currently having a breakdown. You were crying and throwing books around the room. Nina knocked on the door, but you didn't hear her. She walked in and saw your knees tucked up to your chest with your head between them. She rushed to your side and held you for a while, and waited for you to calm down. Afterwards, you told her about your bad mental health, and she checked in every day to make sure that you're okay.

You and Matthias were trying for your first child, and you were 2 months pregnant when you got really bad stomach pains. You went to the doctor after, and they told you that you lost the baby. You were broken, and your world had shattered on you. You walked home, and when you got there, Matthias was cooking dinner. He saw you looking upset, so he walked up to you and hugged you. You completely broke down and told him you lost the baby and apologised to him, saying it was your fault. He sat on the sofa with you kissing your temple whilst crying, telling you not to blame yourself and that both of you would be okay.

You have nightmares quite frequently after being attacked by a volcra in the fold. You have a massive scar on your left leg and torso to remind you of it. The nightmares always take you back to that horrid night, and it haunts your mind every day and night. Nikolai woke up one night to your screaming and turned over to wake you up. When he finally managed to wake you, you shot up crying and breathing heavily. Nikolai hugged you with your head resting on his chest, trying to get your breathing to go back to normal. Soon after, you fell back asleep.

Alina came up to your room to ask if you wanted anything to eat, but instead, she heard quiet sobbing. She opened to the door to see you in the bathroom cleaning a gash on your forehead. She walked in and took the cloth from you, and started to clean your forehead. You explained that a squaller attacked you and threw you into a wall. Alina was absolutely furious but kept calm as you were still teary. After she covered your cut, she cuddled in bed with you.

You and Kirigan had a very heated argument, and he slapped you. He realised what he had done and immediately walked up to you. You flinched and backed away, crying. He apologised so many times that you didn't think it was possible. It broke his heart to see you cry. He went to pull you into a hug but went slowly in case you backed away again, but you didn't, so he hugged you and kissed the top of your head. You snuggled into him and forgave him. He assured you it would never happen again. He took you horse riding after.

He was on his way back to your shared tent after a first army meeting. He opened the tent to find you lying face down on the bed crying. He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, rubbing your back slowly to calm you down. You turned your face over to look at his concerned face. He asked you what happened, and you replied with saying that you had gotten beaten up by an amplified grisha for being part of the LGBTQIA+ community. He kissed your nose and then took his shirt off and got into bed with you stroking your hair as you fell asleep.

The Crows were outisde the Ahmrat Jen arguing about something, but you and Tolya were trying to yell for help because of the red smoke filling the room. Tolya tried to steady both of your hearts, but the poison took over, and you fell out of consciousness. You woke up and were walking on the battlefield, seeing lots of dead bodies. You looked behind one of the barriers and saw your brother Nikolai dead on the floor. You screamed out and cried onto his body. You opened your eyes again and saw Tolya above you telling you to wake up. You frantically asked if Nikolai was okay, and he told you that Nikolai was safe and that it was just a hallucination. You hugged Tolya, scared to let go.

You loved your parents, but they were addicted to drugs and alcohol, which caused them to beat you up frequently. This time, it was so bad that you were nearly collapsed, and you were crying out in pain. Tamar found you halfway to Ravka and immediately stopped to help her unconscious girlfriend. You had tear stained cheeks, and it broke Tamar's heart. She took you back to your tent and cleaned your wounds, waiting for you to wake up. When you woke up, you were in a lot of pain, so Tamar made you lay down again and get some rest, giving you a kiss before she left.

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