♤Your Dancing In The Rain♤

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Kaz was looking over some paperwork in his office when he heard faint laughter coming from outside. He limped over to the window, his cane clicked on the floor as he went, and when he looked outside, he saw you spinning and laughing outside under a lampost in the rain. He smiled whilst looking through the window at you, watching in admiration, wondering how he's so lucky to have you.

Jesper is on his way to your room after gambling at the Crow Club, slightly jumping when thunder and lightning struck. He dramatically opened the door, expecting to see you in there, but when you're not there, Jesper instantly panics. He thinks of all of the people who could've taken you, but he remembers that you love the rain. He runs outside, and there you are, dancing around without a care in the world. He instantly joins you, and you dance and run around together.

Inej sees you running around in the rain with some of the Crows and smiles at you through the window. You smile back. She tries to get you inside before you catch a cold, but you don't want to. She then grabbed your hand, laughing, and you both went up to the rooftops. Inej found a sheltered part on the rooftop. You both sat under it and watched the rain fall.

You love the rain, you dance in it, sing in it, or just lie down and let the rain fall o to you. Wylan knows yoh love the rain, so when he sees that you're not in your room, he knows you're outside. When he opens the front door, he sees you lying there on a blanket, letting the rain fall. He sits on the blanket with you, and you lie your head in his lap whilst he strokes your hair. Unfortunately, you both get sick and have to help one another.

Nina sees you standing outside, looking up at the sky where the rain is falling from, as if there's a million stars up there. You look adtonished by the night sky, and Nina laughs slightly at your face. She heads outside to join you in the rain, bringing coats with her just in case you get sick. You see her standing there by you, and you smile at her, and she smiles back. She grabs your hands and spins you around. You both laugh for the rest of the night.

Matthias gets worried when you go out in the rain, even though you love going out in the rain, he thinks you'll get sick. You're currently outside in the rain, twirling and laughing, so Matthias joins you whilst bringing his fur coat out. When you see him, you run towards him and jump on him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. He places kisses on your temple a few times, and you both enjoy the quiet.

Nikolai and you can both be quite childish when it comes to rain. It was raining today, so you and Nikolai were the first ones outside. You slid around in the mud until you were both completely covered in it. You try to dance, but you both spin and fall down in the mud, laughing. You both attempted races in the mud, but you fell over, and he fell next to you, wiping some mud off of your face.

You're in The Little Palace, bored out of your mind, when suddenly you hear thunder. Your head snaps towards the window, and you see the rain falling from the sky, whilst lightning lights up the sky for a brief moment. You smile widely and go to grab Alina. When you get outside, you laugh around and chase each other, constantly falling over in the mud.

He tells you to come inside. He doesn't want you to get sick. He does admire you for a while. He thinks that you look so free whilst spinning in the rain, but he really doesn't want you to get sick. He knows that you love the rain, so he suggests to himself, to take you horse riding. He walks outside towards you and hugs you. He asks if you want to go horse riding with him, and you accept, and you both head to the stables.

Mal comes back from a First Army meeting. It's raining, so he wants to get back quick, but doesn't see you in the tent when he gets back. He walks outside of the back of the tent, and he sees you lying on the grass, rain falling on your face. He walks over to you and lies down with you. He strokes some hair out of your face, and you snuggle into him. You stay there for another 10 minutes or so, then you go inside because you both don't want to get ill.

Tolya sees you staring up at the stormy sky one night, and he wonders what's making you so interested in the sky. He walks outside to you and wraps his arms around you. He starts dancing with you whilst gently swaying with you. He cuddled into him, and then you started hearing him reciting is poetry, you love it when he recits poetry. It seems that time stops, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Tamar wanted to stay below deck with you today because it's raining, but she doesn't find you anywhere. She walks above deck and sees you spinning and dancing around, with Nikolai and Tolya laughing. Tamar smiles at you and walks towards you. She dances with you, and then she starts chasing you around The Hummingbird. Tolya and Nikolai join in too.

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