♧You're Sick♧

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He's always so worried when you're sick in case it's firepox. He can sometimes keep his distance due to his past trauma, but he usually doesn't. When you woke up this morning, Kaz styled your hair like he always does. He says it's relaxing. He gives you food that Inej has made and it's very good. Surprisingly, he doesn't go downstairs to the Crow Club. You woke up during the night in a coughing fit, Kaz is a light sleeper, so he woke up to help you, he rubbed you back until it was over and got you a glass of water. You laid your head back on his chest and fell asleep again. Kaz stayed up for a bit longer in case you needed him again.

Jesper walked into your room after gambling at the Crow Club, but he didn't see you. It was late at night, so he was confused about why you weren't in bed. He saw the bathroom lit up by some candles. He walked into the bathroom, and you were over the toilet throwing up. He kneeled down beside you and rubbed your back in circles, placing kisses on your shoulder blade. He quickly got up and soaked a cloth in cold water, then placed it on the back of your neck. When you finally finished throwing up, he picked you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You snuggled into him as he carried you back to bed. He got into bed with you and stroked your hair until you fell asleep.

Inej entered your house and saw you on the sofa, asleep, looking pale. She walked over to you and sat with you, waiting for you to wake up. She stroked your hair for a few minutes, then got up and started making soup. You woke up about half an hour later with the sorest throat ever and a blocked up nose. You groaned and got up to get food when you saw Inej bring a tray of soup and some tea towards you. You sat back down, and she sat with you, placing the tray on your lap, giving you a kiss on your cheek. When you finished your food, Inej took you upstairs, and you both got into bed, cuddling one another.

Wylan was on his way back from a heist with the Crows, you didn't go because you felt ill. Wylan didn't want to leave you, but you assured him that you would be fine. That was a lie. You felt like you could collapse at any minute. You didn't want Wylan to walk in thinking that you were dead, but in the end, you fell into unconsciousness. When you woke up, you were cradled in Wylan's arms. He looked really worried but relieved at the same time, he gave you a kiss and you snuggled into him more. Wylan got sick in the end, so you had to take care of him.

You know you're ill because one minute, you're as cold as ice, and the next minute, your skin feels like lava. Nina noticed your constant change between blankets and cold flannels, so she confronted you about it. You hate admitting that you're ill, but this time, you admitted it. She grabbed your hand and took you up to your bedroom with her. You both got changed for bed and lied together. Nina likes having you in her embrace it gives both of you a sense of comfort and safety. She gave you a kiss, and then you both fell asleep in each others arms.

You woke up at around 5 a.m., feeling like a volcano. You kicked your side of the duvet off carefully since Matthias was still asleep. You walked over to the bathroom and filled the sink with cold water. You splashed some of the water on your face, and it helped a bit, but you still felt really hot. You felt arms around your waist. It was Matthias, but you had to nudge him away since you were getting hotter. Matthias felt your forehead since you looked ill and you infact were burning up. He took a cloth from the cupboard and soaked it in cold water, placing it on your forehead and giving you a kiss. You felt a bit better, so you and Matthias headed back to bed for a few more hours of sleep.

It was 3am when Nikolai woke up to see the bathroom light on and that you were no longer at his side. He walked over to the door and knocked a few times. You answered with a weak 'come in'. When Nikolai entered the bathroom, he saw you hunched over the toilet, throwing up. He kneeled next to you and held your hair back, putting into a messy bun whilst rubbing your back. He knew you had a phobia of vomit, so he kept talking to you in hopes of distracting you. When you finished, he took you back to bed, and you instantly snuggled into him whilst he was rubbing your back, sending you straight to sleep.

You woke up feeling absolutely terrible. Your throat was a sore that you could barely speak. You didn't get up. You just distanced yourself from Alina until she'd woken up because you didn't want her to get sick. When she woke up, she saw that you looked pale, and you told her that you're sick. She brought you back into her arms, but you told her that you didn't want her to get sick herself. Alina just laughed and said that she didn't care. When you finally recovered from being ill, Alina admitted that she was ill. She you took care of her to the best of your abilities.


Kirigan always seems to notice that you're ill because you won't be with him all day. When he came up to your room, he saw you having a coughing fit, so he walked over to you with a glass of water and gave it to you. Your coughing fit ended, so Kirigan stayed with you for a few hours, holding your hand and placing kisses on your knuckles. You both spoke about your days until Kirigan had to go again for some business. He gave you food, then said you should rest so that you can get better. He gave you a kiss on your forhead and left, closing your door behind him.

You and Mal have been lying in bed for a while in each others embrace because you're sick. Mal went out to get food, but it was too early for lunch, you thought. Mal came back with food, looking out of breath. You knew he stole it. You just laughed, and he walked over to you, setting the food down. When you finished eating, he put the plate on the floor, and you both lied back down. He started humming a song that he knew from Keramzin, whilst he was stroking your hair and kissing your forehead a few times. You fell asleep very quickly, and Mal fell asleep shortly after, knowing you'd be asleep for a while since you're a deep sleeper.

Tolya has been taking care of you for a few hours because of the poisonous smoke at Ahmrat Jen. He told you to stay downstairs whilst he did something upstairs, and you were confused as to what he was doing. He came back downstairs and carried you to your bedroom. You saw a massive blanket fort, made with thousands of pillows and blankets. You and Tolya got comfy inside, and you curled into him whilst he opened his poetry book. He picked you up, put you in his lap, then started to read. You wrapped your arms around him, and your eyes started closing. The last thing you remember is Tolya continuing to read and giving you a kiss on the top of your head.

You came back with the Crows, Zoya, and Tolya from the Ahmrat Jen, and you felt so sick that you might throw up. Tamar gave you a massive hug and smiled at you, but it dropped when she saw how pale you were. Tolya told Tamar that the poison took a toll on you, so she took you back to her room. You instantly ran to the bathroom and threw up. Tamar was at your side immediately, rubbing your back and holding your hair back. When you finished throwing up, she took you to your bed, but you ended up passing out. Tamar put you on your bed and placed a cold cloth on your forehead, waiting for you to wake up. When you did, she took care of your for the rest of the week.

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