♧What You Steal From Them♧

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You love stealing his coat or hat. He thinks the hat looks silly on you, but he thinks the coat looks alright. Although he does get annoyed because he doesn't have a coat to go out in.

His hats, you love his hats to pieces. He loves them on you but becomes dramatic when he finds out that you've stolen all of his hats.

You have a habit of stealing her knives. You love tossing them in the air and catching them, but sometimes Inej catches them on the way back down.

You love his alkemi goggles, even though you look silly in them, Wylan finds you adorable and buys you your own pair, you're not an alkemi, but you and Wylan become science buddies.

Like Jesper, you love her stylish hats. You wear them wherever you can, even on your dates with her. She can get a bit annoyed with you when you take her favourite hat, but you can have any others.

His fur coat is so fluffy, and you have a tendency to sleep in it. He always finds you asleep in it, and it makes his heart melt. He always cuddles with you when you wear it.

You take his Sturmond jacket, you love laying on the ship's hammock wearing it and reading a book. Nikolai is always confused about why you wear it, but he says it suits you.

Her kefta, you love the colours of it and she loves it on you. You always feel powerful when wearing it. Alina just loves it on you and wants you to keep it.

His heart, you took his breath away when he saw you. If you took anything else of his, he might kill you.

His shirts, you prefer Mal topless, like who doesn't, but you just love the smell because it reminds you of him. He is always running out of shirts and whines to you about it, saying he needs more shirts, you just laugh and snuggle more into his shirt that you're wearing.

His food or his sword. You love it when he teaches you tricks with his sword. But if you steal his food, he won't hesitate to tickle you for a good 10 minutes. You've become very good at using his sword, and Tolya reminds himself to buy you your own one so you can have mini battles.

Her leather jacket vest thing. You think it's so cool, and you always run around wearing it. Tamar never says no to you and doesn't mind you wearing it unless you go on an adventure.

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