Chapter 8

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I approached Elena with a heavy heart, grappling with the weight of the choice ahead. In a desperate attempt to break the curse, I made a horrifying decision and snapped her neck. Shock and disbelief engulfed me—did I just do that to my sister?

To my astonishment, Elena began to stir, and the guests started to regain consciousness. The chaos seemed to subside, returning everything to an unsettling semblance of normalcy. Yet, an uneasy feeling lingered within me. Something was amiss, and I couldn't shake the sense that the consequences of my actions were not fully revealed.

Elena, seeking solitude, rushed to the bathroom and forcefully closed the door behind her. Concerned, I inquired, "Are you okay?" Her response, a sharp "Go away!" echoed through the closed door. Ignoring her plea, I pushed the door open, only to be met with a chilling sight. Elena was coughing up blood, and I stood there, utterly speechless, realizing the true cost of my desperate attempt to save her.

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